For the last three weeks I've been wandering across the swamps of social networks with a new approach concerning trajectories. I've decided to show my face and let my voice be heard.
For that matter I chose to use Telegram a little more, for obvious reasons, fluidity being the first of them.
I made that choice of getting a little more personal for training reasons, and also for getting rid of the idea that I would be a shy guy, as some of my enemies have said.
The main objective of this short adventure was to get a grip on one side of the society, in a time of great stress. Conflicting and overflowing informations, in a mix of anxiety and uncertainty, may be saturating the neural networks of many people, and I wanted to take a dive into this. I thought I could eventually make a few friends, or even help out a few ill-informed people, and I was right, that is just what happened, even a little more.
These three weeks gave me a lot of joy, even if this ended up in ONE MORE personal attack I had to withstand. An attack in the real world, not on the social networks. But all that went finally quite fine, for once I had no devastating dog stuck on my hand, or hunters going around my place at a very illegal distance, and so on.
The final results of this inquiry are between five and seven VERY suspicious individuals roaming the networks, pretending to be helpful well-intended altruistic people.
I will not give personal 'names' here (avatars in fact), but will definitely give the networks identities. Let me first describe the general atmosphere of these public exchanging platforms; everyone knows that the injections are very toxic, people also know that Pig-Pharma is lobbying our economies for purely economic reasons (and not health-related). Most of the moderators are trying to avoid the over-spreading of 'catastrophic' news (so as to be able to lower the global anxiety level), and most of them are also prone to promoting good-will, and altruistic attitude, or so they say.
'The great reset', 'Doctolibre', are just two of those chat-roms I have visited, and from which I got shortly ejected with no advice nor explanation.
The real reasons I got banned for in a such a gross manner range from making fun of a man for showing his private parts on camera, to simply opposing stupid theories with calm and logical arguments. One of those men was stating that Jesus was a man that got to know God through the use of hallucinogenic mushrooms, this happened on Doctolibre. Another man was stating that Moïse and the whole of the Old Testament was a Free-mason enterprise to put humanity under slavery, and that this has always been the case. Another one of those men was simply trying to raise funds and gather people to have them invest in some real-estate endeavour. He needed half a million euros for the first step (and would never be able to fulfill his promises in the end for sure). I got also ejected from The Great Reset, after having corrected someone about an opinion he had about 'the Jews'. Whatever the argument, I had absolutely no impression of having said something problematic, but got banned immediately after that nevertheless.
I can say that I have had to deal with a bunch of wannabe Gurus, who have a tendency to use drugs, and are quite racist, they also have a great need for fame and money. My job very often consists in profiling people, and that is what I've once again done, with success.
I do think that history is littered with plots, and I do think that the devil's plot against humanity is the biggest of them all.
But I do NOT think that the queen of England is a reptilian, I do NOT think that giving ten commandments to humanity is a masonic plot, I do NOT think that humanity was created by extraterrestrials through a genetic experiment with the objective of having disposable slaves and such a type of other crap.
I have observed a fascination on the part of those fear-mongering people for the worst part of the people they pretend to expose. It is a kind of excitement for all the 'worst case scenarios' that are available. They are like little children on a roller-coaster, persuaded in the bottom of their heart, that nothing will actually go wrong after all, because they are handled by very powerful people. Their love for others is very quickly limited by their own will to power. 'Knowledge' would be the first tool to use for climbing the steps of social success.
They do not care about the fact that some of the problems raised among the little 'communities' they are active in pertain to penal legal sanctions. Some of them are simply trying to make a profit out of the distress of people, I saw this very clearly. I have also spotted people straight out of the so-called 'catholic church' trying to apply the same sect-like methods with the objective of creating more mindless little communities.
Most of those people have a supreme disdain for France or England, but are looking at the US as the only 'freedom defending country'. Qanon, Trump and the likes are the modern day heroes. Liberation could only come from there.
They do also have a fascination for ghosts, horror stories, outer-space phantasms, and the likes.
I would say as a conclusion, that witnessing such a hypocrisy has been a shock, and that I had not imagined that an individual intelligence could be used in such an 'altruistic approach' to try to literally EAT PEOPLE in the spiritual, economic, and informational domains. Such people unmasked would have to face rather big problems in front of their putative victims.
Manipulated big children obsessed with their own success, running like rabbits after 'market shares' of human souls, that is what I've spotted in the digital jungle. This 'dossier' is going to be treated quite quickly, I'm not the only journalist on this trail.
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