mercredi 5 décembre 2012

Le raid du DARD

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Mesdames et messieurs,

Suite à toute mes publications relatives à mes problèmes personnels, la partie défendante a décidé de porter plainte pour diffamation et menaces.
D'un côté, je peux considérer que faire du bruit a été un succès, puisque mes plaintes sont passées du stade de 'je suis rangé dans un tirroir' à 'je vais être traitée'.
Le prix à payer, c'est que je me suis engagé à retirer les publications qui font directement référence à la partie plaignante (pour ce qui est de la diffamation).

Je m'exécute.

Il me reste à espérer que mes plaintes ne vont pas être balayées de façon ridicule (non-lieu, prescription, faute de preuve, etc).

Pour ce qui est des menaces, le procureur fut bien en mal de me produire la moindre preuve de menaces directes. Mais je dois reconnaître avoir fait monter la pression un maximum. Et je concède volontiers avoir vu lors de la confrontation que la partie adverse n'en menait pas large.

Il faut noter ici qu'un raid du DARD, ce n'est pas un acte insignifiant. Et que le moins que je puisse dire, c'est que si les choses se passent comme je le pense, et comme je le disais au procureur, il est fort possible que les rôles soient un jour inversés.

Je vais donc avoir le privilège de voir mes plaintes êtres examinées par la justice.
Ca m'a coûté le raid, les menottes aux poings et aux pieds 3h et demie dans une pièce froide sans pull ni chaussures.

Finalement, je dois dire que je ne sais plus combien de fois j'ai vu l'hôtel de police pour me plaindre, je ne sais plus combien de fois la police est venue me fouiller, me contrôler, bref, exercer la pression de la partie adverse. C'en est devenu évidemment ridicule, pour ce qui est de ceux qui se servent de leur influence.

Espérons dès lors que la justice fasse son travail, bien entendu.

vendredi 2 novembre 2012

Adolf et les nouilles chinoises

Je suis mort

Je suis victime d'une mort civile en suisse (sans majuscule). A cause de ma naissance, et de mes origines. Je dérange car mon père, et d'autres gens qui pensaient comme lui, ne pensaient pas comme les autres. Le premier sur la liste, c'est Hjalmar von Sydow, mort en 1932, assassiné par son propre fils. Une des petites filles de Hjalmar a écrit un livre en Suède à ce propos, et est morte en 2011. Une autre des petites filles de cet homme est la dernière copine de mon père, Hans Onnestad. Hans Onnestad a été assassiné. Cette femme, sa copine, a vu un grand nombre de ses maris successifs, mourir, parfois par le 'suicide'.

Pourquoi Hjalmar est il mort assassiné par son propre fils avec un fer à repasser ?
A cause de ses déclarations au parlement suédois en 1930 bien entendu :

''When the issue of the law on the eight-hour day was brought up in the Riksdag in 1930, SAF chairman Hjalmar von Sydow, who had himself sat on the Council, delivered a highly
positive statement about the work of the Labor Council. His contribution
to the debate in the Riksdag is worthy of quotation:

Provided that the employer and workers agree, the Labor Council has the right
to grant a dispensation from the application of the law with no restriction other
than that the permitted working hours may not be unreasonable. This is the
highest relief available to the employer under the law and it is very often applied.
Not a single meeting of the Labor Council is held at which a dispensation is not
granted on the basis of this statute. There are important branches of industry
here in Sweden that have boomed in recent years and which would never have
been able to do so without these dispensations. (Upper House 1930, no. 22: 14f.)''

Un parlementaire d'une famille aussi puissante qui soutien les travaillistes ? Scandale ! A mort !

Mort en 1932 : Hjalmar Adolf von Sydow, et en 1933, Adolf Hitler arrive au pouvoir, et on lui donne un responsable des finances qui a pour prénom HJALMAR (Schacht). C'est de l'humour de banquier.

Mon grand père à moi, Carl Gustav Ônnestad, était nazi. Son fils, mon père Hans Gustav Ônnestad, l'était moins. Mon père a donc eu comme première copine Monika von Sydow, la petite fille de Hjalmar. Il l'a quittée à l'âge de vingt ans pour partir aux US sans donner de nouvelles à personne. Il est né en 1930. Il a donc cherché à travailler pour la CIA, car il détestait les nazis (on est naif à cet âge). Puis il est allé travailler dans le pétrole en afrique (comme tous ces empaffés de la CIA). En Algérie en plus. Et là il a changé de camp je crois, il est allé collaborer avec l'OAS, ce qui lui a valu sa mort des années plus tard, le 22 août 1993, en guise de vangence. Le 22 août, c'est aussi la date de naissance de Hjalmar Adolf von Sydow. 22 août c'est aussi la date anniversaire de la tentative d'assassinat de de Gaulle par l'OAS. Voilà, quoi de plus ?

Les ancêtres de la CIA (banquiers américains) ont fait tuer Hjalmar, ils ont fait tuer Hans Önnestad, ils ont nourri François Genoud le Banquier du FLN. Ils ont mis au pouvoir Hitler (par la BCCI de Prescott Bush et Averell Harriman).

Ma boucle est bouclée, et je suis mort civilement, malgré trois plaintes pénales et plus pour : TENTATIVE D'ASSASSINAT, ASSASSINAT, VOL D'HERITAGE, VIOL DE MES ENFANTS, ETC ETC

depuis deux ans, et rien en retour... merci la suisse. Je garde la facture bien au chaud.

Et maintenant, MILLENIUM. Ce bouquin est une arnaque écrite par des banquiers pour des banquiers américains. Il s'agit de couvrir ma mère, l'ex épouse de Hans Önnestad, Pirkko Bechinie. Qui est celle qui a commandité et couvert l'assassinat de Hans Önnestad, son mari, mon père. Elle a le rôle de HARRIET dans ce livre, le fameux village dont on ne trouve pas le nom dans la Suède réelle, c'est Önnestad. Elle a fait faire ce bouquin pour se couvrir de ses exactions et tout mettre sur le dos des nazis. Le Michael BLOMBERG dans le bouquin, c'est en fait la maison d'édition BROMBERG. Ils ont dépeint mon père comme étant l'agent russe qui battait sa femme (ce qui est un pur mensonge), et ma sœur (Kisrti de Mestral anciennement Önnestad) comme la fille de cet agent transfuge qui aurait brûlé son père. Ce qui est vrai, c'est qu'elle s'en est tirée avec PLEIN DE FRIC. Ce qu'ils ne disent pas, c'est que Kirsti de Mestral a violé mes enfants, le livre se serait nettement moins bien vendu !

Pirkko Bechinie a trahi tous ceux qu'elle a pu POUR LA CIA. Mon père m'a dit une fois une chose mauvaise d'elle : 'c'est une menteuse'. C'est dommage, il aurai du me dire 'c'est une pédéraste, c'est une tueuse, c'est une prostituée'.
Stieg Larsen est mort d'une crise cardiaque, c'est UN MINIMUM.

A la mémoire de Olaf Palme, de Aldo Moro, mais aussi de Herbert Alboth.

'' Les cigares Villiger c'est dela merde ''
Hans Önnestad

A bon entendeur, et j'espère que tu aimes les nouilles chinoises-

Marc Onnestad

samedi 19 mai 2012

Les traffics nucléaires de la CIA

Nuclear proliferation: No AQ Khan network, only western suppliers
By Shahidur Rehman
Published: January 6, 2011

AQ Khan, father of Pakistan’s nuclear programme. PHOTO: FILE

ISLAMABAD: There was no AQ Khan nuclear proliferation network; there were only Western suppliers of nuclear wares. This is borne out by the report submitted recently by a Swiss Magistrate into the affairs of three members of Tinner family.

The report has spelt out that there was as such no AQ Khan network but several members of the so-called network (actually suppliers) were collaborating with CIA and MI6.

The report submitted by a Swiss Magistrate into the affairs of three members of Tinner family last month has spelt out in words what previous accounts of Dr. A.Q. Khan saga had stated between the lines i.e. -several members of the so-called network were collaborating with CIA and MI6.

It has been established beyond doubt that three Tinners,- father Frederick Tinner and his two sons Marco and Urs Tinners were working for CIA at least since 2000 till Dr. Khan’s fall from high pedestal on February 4, 2004 on charges of proliferation to Libya, Iran and North Korea.

Magistrate Andreas Muller has recommended that charges be brought against three Tinners for violation of Swiss laws and obstructing justice.

“They massively interfered in the wheels of justice,” the judge said.

******"Senior members of the George W. Bush administration and US intelligence officials intervened at the highest level of the Swiss government to pressure it to destroy evidence in a criminal investigation of nuclear trafficking," the authors said.
"The Americans also used their influence to persuade the Swiss to abandon plans to prosecute six CIA agents for espionage."
"The conversation was conducted in the polite language of international diplomacy, but the meaning was clear: if the Swiss didn't dispose of the cases against the Tinners and the CIA, the United States would portray them as a hindrance to worldwide counterproliferation efforts and roll out the years of warnings that went unheeded by Swiss officials," the book said.

******The decision four years ago to destroy computer evidence related to the Tinners case caused outrage in Switzerland and beyond. Dick Marty, a Swiss senator questioned the claim by the defence and justice ministries at the time it had been done in the national interest.
"It's easy to say you are acting in the nation's best interests when nobody can check," Senator Marty said.
Albright said: "It was a huge mistake by the CIA and senior members of the Bush administration to interfere in the Swiss justice system like that, and try to use their co-operation with the Tinners as a get out of jail free card."
"This is a very good result," Albright continued. "The Swiss justice system needed to do something to set a good precedent for the future. After 20 years of crime, you can't just buddy up with a foreign intelligence service and get off."

Muller had investigated proliferation activities of Tinners for four years and the reports that a huge drove of documents and electronic files including allegedly “a highly sophisticated Pakistani bomb design” were destroyed by the Swiss authorities on pressure

from CIA.

Tinners played a central role in Pakistan’s nuclear program since its inception in the 1970’s till the disgraceful fall of Dr. Khan in February 2004.

In February 2008 when Swiss President had acknowledged that document and files relating to Tinners have been destroyed by Swiss authorities, Pakistan Foreign Ministry spokesman had regretted that while the design is being stated of Pakistani origin, Pakistan government was never taken into confidence.

Dr. Khan had told Kyodo News Agency that the destruction of the documents have wiped out some proof that would have proved that he was innocent of the wrongdoing heaped on his doorstep.

The observations by the Swiss judge about CIA’s complicity in the whole affair has partially vindicated the stance taken by Pakistan government and Dr. Khan.

The whole story of how CIA carried out several sting operations to bring down Dr. Khan and who played a role in it would be brought out once Tinners go on trial.

More facts about Tinners and CIA have been promised by David Albright of Washington-based ISIS who has promised to shortly release a preliminary assessment of CIA Recruitment of the Tinners.

The recruitment of Tinners by CIA to spy on Dr. Khan is not surprising because without his double deals, Frederick Tinner would not have managed to proliferate for at nearly three decades.

Frederick Tinner was manager of Cora Engineering company in the picturesque Chur Valley in Switzerland from whom Khan had brought a key component for enrichment plant at Kahuta in 1976 and almost all the books about Pakistan’s nuclear program written in the 1980’s and 1990’s have talked about Dr. Khan visit to Cora Engineering in 1976, in graphic details.

According to “Islamic Bomb” published in 1982, Dr. Khan had ordered “ a major component,-a gasification and solidification unit to feed uranium hexafluoride gas into the centrifuges, and then to transform it back into a solid at the end of the centrifuge process,” from Cora Engineering in 1976.

In 2004 when Dr. Khan saga broke out, Frederick Tinner was operating a workshop and a company in Dubai and his son Urs Tinner was manager of the factory in Malaysia which was manufacturing the components for Centrifuge meant for the Libyan program.

The factory in Malaysia was owned by a Sri Lankan national B.S.A. Tahir who has been dubbed as Dr. Khan’s deputy and Chief Financial Officer of the so-called Khan network.

“Dr. Khan used to call him son and Tahir called him pa. He was the son that Khan never had,” Gordon Correra has said in his book “shopping for Bombs.” For once Dr. Khan has concurred with Correra.

The components of centrifuge that were seized on a ship BBC-China on October 4, 2003 was the turning point in Dr. Khan Saga. The components were sent by Urs Tinner in four consignments to Dubai from where they were to be dispatched to Libya.

After sending the last consignment to Dubai, Urs Tinner removed the information about himself and drawings of the component from computer and disappeared. He was finally arrested in Switzerland with two other Tinners, who were released in 2008 under US pressure.

According to NYT report dated April 25, 2008 CIA paid up to $ 10 million to Tinners, “some of it delivered in a suitcase stuffed with cash.”

But Tinners were not the only three members of the so-called network working for CIA and MI6.

In 2004 when CIA and MI6 agents had visited Malaysia they could not conveniently find Urs Tinner and only interviewed Tahir.

According to Tahir, his company had manufactured the components on order from a Dubai-based company owned by a British national Peter Griffin,- dubbed conveniently as another member of the so-called network.

Dr. Khan have accused Peter Griffin to be working for MI6.

After Dr. Khan’s proliferation activities came to light, Peter Griffin was widely reported as a member of the alleged network.

Peter Griffin sued Guardian newspaper and BBC for reporting that he had signed the contract for supply of centrifuges. He claimed that he had supplied machines that ended up in Libya to B.S.A. Tahir and that Tahir used his company’s name by counterfeiting the stationary of his company to fabricate the sub-contract deal.

He ended up in getting sizeable amounts from both the media organizations(?).

What is surprising is the fact that Dr. Khan’s acquaintance with Peter Griffin also go back to his 1976 shopping trip to Europe. Peter Griffin is mentioned by name, by the Islamic Bomb. (published in 1982).

Another member of the so-called network whose name has been mentioned only in passing was Chacha (Uncle) Mohammad Farooq, paternal uncle of B.S.A. Tahir,- Chief Financial Officer of the network and Khan’s deputy.

Farooq is known to have en-cashed $ 3 million check paid by the Atomic Energy Agency of Iran to the network in 1987 but surprisingly no effort has been made by the western authors of Dr. Khan saga and host of inquiry commissions to locate him.

The latest report by David Albright about Libya has only mentioned erroneously that he is living in Singapore.

“The Ba…d died of cancer that he deserved,” according to Dr. Khan.

Farooq split with his nephew in mid-1990’s and the two were engaged in a legal row ending in a settlement paying him a hefty amount. Chacha Farooq is known to have blackmailed Tahir in 2003 on the ground that a CIA team was in Srilanka to demand his extradition.

“Chacha Farooq was a CIA agent,” a 2-star general told me during a rare interview granted for my book. Dr. Khan concurred.

The general said that after Dr. Khan Saga, Pakistani intelligence agencies tried to locate Chacha Farooq but it appeared that he had disappeared in thin air.

There are reasons to believe that Pakistani investigators mistook Engineer Mohammad Farooq as Chacha Farooq who had contacted the Iranians in 1980’s.

Foreign office spokesman Masood Khan had told a briefing on December 2003 that Iran and IAEA had provided details of two Pakistani scientists who received money for supplying used centrifuge.

Let us assume that the first beneficiary was Dr. Khan but who was the second Pakistani scientists receiving money from Iran? The books about Dr. Khan Saga have reported Chahca Farooq to be major beneficiary of the money received from Iran.

None of the dozen books and accounts of Dr. Khan saga has found any deposits in any Pakistani scientist account. The names given to Pakistan was that of Mohammad Farooq, uncle of B.S.A. Tahir. The over –zealot Pakistani investigators assumed it to be engineer Mohammad Farooq, director Foreign Procurement, KRL.

Engineer Mohammad Farooq is the only member of KRL who is still under virtual house arrest in Rawalpindi suburb of Satellite Town.

A book by David Armstrong about Dr. Khan Saga. America and the Islamic Bomb have highlighted that CIA could have wounded up Khan network in 2000 when a British custom agent had tracked possible proliferation exports to Tahir in Dubai.

However, MI6 station chief in Dubai forced the British Custom agent back to London.

****** '' Khan, a metallurgist, worked for several European governments, including the Netherlands, in the late 1970s, Frantz says. While in the Netherlands, Khan stole plans needed to develop the fuel for nuclear weapons.

The Dutch government didn't want to draw attention to its lapses in nuclear security and debated whether to arrest Khan. The Dutch security service, which believed Khan was a threat, appealed to the CIA to weigh in on whether the Dutch government should make the arrest.
"Instead, the CIA told the Dutch, 'Let him go; we'll watch him,' " says Frantz. "This was in 1975. In the subsequent years and decades, Khan became clearly the most dangerous proliferator in history. '' (Fallout) ******

The million dollar question is not why the so-called network was not closed down in 2000 but how its members managed to stay in proliferation business for nearly three decades?

All the key members of the network, Gothard Lerch, Hans Mabus, Hank Slebos besides Frederick Tinner and Peter Griffin go back to Dr. Khan’s 1976 shopping trip to Europe or his stay in Holland, Belgium and Germany.

Chacha Farooq was also inducted into the business in 1977 when Bukhari (full name not available) father of B.S.a. Tahir was encouraged by Dr. Khan to set up a company to supply wares to Pakistani nuclear program.

The role played by CIA n bringing about Dr. Khan’s fall has been touched upon by several other books and commissions.

On February 5, 2004, a day after Dr. Khan’s disgraceful fall, CIA chief George Tenet concluded his speech at the George Town University with “one final story” about Dr. Khan. He had said:” Last year (2003) in my annual world-wide threat testimony before Congress in an open session, I talked about the emerging threat from private proliferators specially, nuclear brokers I was cryptic about this in public, but I can tell you now that I was talking about A.Q. Khan His network was shaving years off the nuclear weapons development timelines of several states including Libya.

Now as you know from news coming out from Pakistan, Khan and his network has been dealt a crushing blow, with several of his senior aids in custody….. what did intelligence have to do with this?

First we discovered the extent of Khan’s network. We tagged the proliferators. We detected the network stretching from Pakistan to Europe to the Middle East to Asia, offering its wares to countries like North Korea and Iran.

We were inside his residence, inside his facilities, inside his rooms. We were everywhere these people were.”

George Tenet has said in his Memoirs that on his second last day in office as CIA Chief, he walked down to a room in the CIA building at Langley to pin a medal on the man who had brought down Dr. Khan. Tenet has not given the name of the officer but most probably, it was Rolf Mowit Larson, director Operation CIA.

****** '' A CIA spokesman, George Little, refused to discuss the Tinner case. The agency has said in the past that "the disruption of the A.Q. Khan network was a genuine intelligence success, one in which the CIA played a key role." '' ******

Mowit is a Jew and in Hebrew his name means Death. Probably, he was the second person who had accompanied CIA Chief George Tenet to his meetings with Musharraf on December 1, 2002 in Islamabad and on September 2003, in New York.

As a result of the December 1 meeting, Musarraf detained two Pakistani nuclear scientists Bashir uddin Mehmood and Abdul Majid who were interrogated by CIA and American nuclear scientists while the second meeting triggered the investigation against Dr. Khan that finally led to his downfall.

Both Tenet and Ron Suskind have given graphic details of the two meetings of the CIA chief with Musharraf. However, a paragraph in Suskind’s book about the meeting speaks loudly of the stuff our leaders are made of.

“Everyone rose. Tenet left a packet with a list of demands” Suskind has reported in “THE ONE PERCENT DOCRINE.”

What was in the packet? I will like to ask of former President Musharraf. I hope it was not a packet containing one hundred dollars note that Tenet has said he left behind in several brief cases that he gave to people who had provided tips in the war on terror.

After Musharraf resigned as President, I had the opportunity to met him at Army House. My meeting with him turned sour when I asked him why he had to meet CIA Chief and agents without any aide. He flatly refused that he met CIA chief or CIA agents alone.

“What about December 1, 2002 meeting at the Presidency at which George Tenet asked for arrest of Bashir uddin Mehmood and another Pakistani nuclear scientist?” I asked.

“Who was Bashir uddin Mehmood,” Musharraf asked quizzically.

That was the end of my interview with him. My requests seeking another interview from him in London or Duabi has evoked no response.

While the details of CIA operations to bring down Dr. Khan have remained secret and bulk of its details would remain so, the best compliments to CIA and its agents in bringing down Dr. Khan could be discerned from a paragraph in the report of “The Commission on the Intelligence Capabilities of United States regarding the WMD (Weapons of Mass Destruction). The Commission was set up by Bush Administration after 9/11 and presented its report in 2005.

The Commission hailed CIA operations against Dr. Khan as third biggest CIA success since the Second World War.

It observed that “Human intelligence serves policy-makers by providing a unique window into our target’s most guarded intentions, plans and programs.

During the Cold War, intelligence from GRU Colnol Oleg Penkovosky proved critical to our management and eventual restoration of the Cuban Missile crisis.

Later, Polish Colnol Ruszard Kukilinsky provided us with highly secret war plans of the Soviet Union.

The recent penetration of Dr.A.Q. Khan’s nuclear proliferation network is another example of an impressive human intelligence achievement. …. The intelligence community learnd through what former DCI George Tenet correctly described as “Operation Daring” that the Khan network was the source of Libya’s procurement of a nuclear weapon design. Further information about the details of these efforts is classified and cannot be discussed in classified setting.”

According to another CIA agent Valerie Palme, who shared room with the group against Terrorist WMD, CIA had launched “ an innovative operation code-named “Operation Daring” against CIA. Palme had given some context to the innovative CIA program by reproducing some extracts from George Tenet and outlining CIA counter terrorism center activities.

The names of foreign agents of CIA and MI6 spying on Pakistan’s nuclear program are cropping up in western media.

However, there have been stories of influential people in Pakistani nuclear establishment working for the western intelligence agencies. Dr. Khan and his associates have named people but obviously what they say is tainted with bias.

The million dollar question is if the Pakistani nuclear establishment could be ever purged of these people?

Dr. Khan had fallen from his pedestal on February 4, 2004 and new facts have emerged about his alleged proliferation activities. Surprisingly, several lies in the meantime have been exposed.

There was no proliferation network. The term was given currency by western intelligence and western media and our media also jumped on the western media bandwagon,” Tasneem Aslam, former spokesman of Foreign Office who handled media query in the wake of Dr. Khan Saga told me in her farewell meeting.

****** Khan confessed in 2004 to running a network selling nuclear equipment and know how, after one of his shipments was intercepted on the way to Libya. Khan and his associates are also believed to have supplied Iran and North Korea with uranium centrifuges, as well as the blueprint for a nuclear warhead which the Tehran government said it received unsolicited from the network.

It was said that Dr. Khan proliferated for money. However, almost all the accounts of Dr. Khan Saga have found that Dr. Khan did not attend any of the meeting with Iranian Atomic Energy officials in 1987 and 1994 which led to the supply of discarded Pakistani centrifuges to Iran.

“If I proliferated for money than why Musharraf sent General Kidwai and his wife to my house with money to overcome financial problems and fixed my pension,” Dr. Khan had been telling his critics.

During Khan Saga, at least 27 members of KRL were debriefed. Those who were taken into custody were asked to write down the names of all their relatives. The bank accounts of all these relatives were investigated.

A 2-star general who investigated Dr. Khans alleged proliferation activities told me that the biggest account discovered was one million dollars I held by his daughter Dina Khan in a bank in Dubai.

The general said that Dina Khan had explained that the money was her share from the inheritance that her grandmother had left for her in her inheritance. Dr.Khan’s mother-in-law had died in Islamabad and rests in a graveyard in Islamabad.

Dina also disclosed to author in a meeting in Dubai that some of the amount came from the sale of her apartment in London.

“Dr Khan was brought down as a result of a sting operation, one big sting operation having several smaller sting operations within,” a former aide of Dr. Khan believed. He pointed out that it has been established beyond doubt by people like Samual Hersh and Ron Suskind that BBC-China was a sting operation by several western intelligence agencies.

There was no network. There were only western suppliers. At some point and time, they also started supplying the same ware that they were supplying to Pakistan to Iran and Libya, Dr. Khan has maintained.

However, he has conceded that he was aware that the western suppliers were fueling the Iranian and Libyan nuclear programs.

“When people who make bombs meet, they talk about bombs,” he said and added “ What was I expected to do. Ring the American Embassy ask for CIA mission chief and say”Hey, this is Dr. Khan. I want to tell you about some companies selling nuclear wares to Iran and Libya.”

Dr. Khan opined that the design that the design of P-1 centrifuge and the so-called Pakistani device that he is alleged to have delivered to Iran and Libya could have been collected by CIA-MI6 from western suppliers and their agents and portrayed as result of his proliferation activities.

As for example, in his confession to Pakistan government, Dr. Khan had named Benazir Bhutto’s military advisor General Imtiaz and her dentist Dr. Niazi to have asked him to provide the centrifuges to Iran. His words were not believed but David Albright has conceded in his latest article about Libya that the role of Dr. Niazi in the initial shipments resulting from 1987 meeting cannot be ruled out.

*Shahidur Rehman has authored a book about Pakistan’s nuclear program “Long Road to Chaghai’ in 1999 and another book “Horrible examples,- Z.A. Bhutto. A.Q. Khan and Iranian Nuclear program” is being published.

jeudi 26 avril 2012

Une liste pour savoir si votre Bible correspond au texte reçu, c'est à dire à 95% des fragments de codex et de lectionnaires que nous avons trouvés.

A list of Omissions and Changes
G.W. and D.E. AndersonA Textu
A list of Omissions and Changes
G.W. and D.E. AndersonA Textual Key to the
New Testament
A list of Omissions and Changes copyright © 1993, 2002 Trinitarian Bible Society
G. W. AndersonI
n recent years, much has been
said and written regarding the
excellence, accuracy and readability
of the modern versions of the New
Testament. It is often stated that these
versions are more accurate than the
Authorised (King James) Version
because the newer translations are
based upon older and better manuscripts than those upon which the
Authorised Version is based. There are
many today, however, who would not
agree with this assessment. It is their
contention that the manuscripts of
the New Testament used in the
modern versions are corrupted and, in
effect, detract from essential doctrines
of the Bible. The Trinitarian Bible
Society has provided the list below as a
useful guide in opposing the use of
these manuscripts and modern translations.
The list below is a compilation of
verses in which the modern versions
have followed corrupted manuscripts
and made drastic alterations to the traditionally accepted text of the New
Testament. The central purpose of this
list is to aid the Bible student in discerning and evaluating whether his translation is founded upon these few ‘older’
manuscripts, and how far astray his
translation goes. A simple comparison
of the verses below with any modern
translation will show the extent of corruption in our modern versions.
The comparison of these modern
versions needs to be made by using a
copy of the Authorised Version. While
perfection is not claimed for the
Authorised Version or for any other version, it is an accurate and excellent
translation which follows the
Traditional or Received Text of the New
Testament and was not affected by the
current rage of paraphrasing. Some
versions will be difficult to compare
because of the modern tendency among
translators to use ‘dynamic equivalence’
methods of translation (see the New
International Version: What today’s
Christian needs to know about the NIV,
published by the Society).
This list of variant readings is not
complete. It is designed to show the
many and most serious omissions in the
modern editions of the New Testament.
In addition to omissions, a few
instances of change and additions are
included. Unless otherwise stated, each
variant listed represents an omission.
It is hoped that many will see the
problems with the modern texts and
versions and will change back to a ‘complete’ edition of the New Testament. It
is the prayer of the Trinitarian Bible
Society that God will be pleased to use
this textual variant list to call His people
back to a day of purer translations and
sounder principles of translation and
textual criticism.
A Textual Key to the New Testament
A list of Omissions and Changes
by G.W. and D.E. Anderson 1.7 ‘Asa’ is changed to ‘Asaph’
[often this error is printed in
the margin rather than in the
1.10 ‘Amon’ is changed to ‘Amos’
[see verse 7 above]
*1.25 ‘firstborn’
*4.12 ‘Jesus’
*4.18 ‘Jesus’
*4.23 ‘Jesus’
5.22 ‘without a cause’
5.27 ‘by them of old time’
*5.44 ‘bless them that curse you,
do good to them that hate
you,’ and ‘despitefully use
you, and’
5.47 ‘publicans’ is changed to
6.4 ‘openly’
6.6 ‘openly’
6.13 ‘For thine…Amen’
6.18 ‘openly’
*6.33 AV–‘the kingdom of God’;
NAS–‘His kingdom’
*8.3 ‘Jesus’
*8.5 ‘Jesus’
*8.7 ‘Jesus’
8.15 ‘them’ is changed to ‘him’
*8.29 ‘Jesus’ [‘Jesus, thou Son of
8.31 ‘suffer us to go away’ is
changed to ‘send us’
9.8 ‘they marvelled’ is changed
to ‘they were afraid’ [RSV;
NAS–‘they were filled with
*9.12 ‘Jesus’
9.13 ‘to repentance’
9.14 ‘oft’
9.35 ‘among the people’
9.36 ‘fainted’ is changed to
10.3 ‘Lebbaeus, whose surname
11.2 ‘two of his disciples’ is
changed to ‘by his disciples’
12.8 ‘even’
12.15 ‘multitudes’
12.22 ‘blind and’ [second instance]
*12.25 ‘Jesus’
12.35 ‘of the heart’
*13.36 ‘Jesus’
*13.51 ‘Jesus saith unto them’
*13.51 ‘Lord’ [‘Yea, Lord’]
*14.14 ‘Jesus’
*14.22 ‘Jesus’
*14.25 ‘Jesus’
14.30 ‘boisterous’
14.33 ‘came and’
A Textual Key to the New Testament
Found in Most Modern New Testaments
Unless otherwise noted, the variant listed represents
an omission from the Traditional Text.
An asterisk indicates some of the more serious omissions or doctrinal problems.
In instances of change, the Authorised Version reading, which represents the
reading of the Traditional Text, is given in comparison with the critical text reading as found in the New American Standard Version.
M AT T H E W15.6 ‘or his mother’
15.6 ‘commandment’ is changed
to ‘word’
15.8 ‘draweth nigh unto me with
their mouth, and’
15.16 ‘Jesus’
*15.30 ‘Jesus’
16.3 ‘O ye hypocrites’
16.4 ‘the prophet’
*16.20 ‘Jesus’
17.4 ‘Let us make’ is changed to ‘I
will make’
17.11 AV–‘Jesus’; NAS–‘He’
17.11 ‘unto them’
17.11 ‘first’ [‘shall first come’]
*17.20 ‘Jesus’
17.22 ‘abode’ is changed to ‘were
gathering together’
*18.2 ‘Jesus’
18.29 ‘at his feet’
18.29 ‘all’ [‘I will pay thee all’]
18.35 ‘their trespasses’
*19.9 ‘and whoso marrieth her
which is put away doth
commit adultery.’
19.17 AV–‘there is none good but
one, that is, God’;
NAS–‘there is only One who
is good’
19.20 ‘from my youth up’
19.29 ‘or wife’
20.7 ‘and whatsoever is right, that
shall ye receive’
20.16 ‘for many be called, but few
*20.22 ‘and to be baptized with the
baptism that I am baptized
with?’ [see also verse 23]
*20.23 ‘and be baptised with the
baptism that I am baptized
with:’ [see also verse 22]
21.4 AV–‘All this’; NAS–‘now this’
21.12 ‘of God’ [‘the temple of God’]
21.44 ALL of this verse is omitted
in some versions
22.13 ‘take him away, and’
22.30 ‘of God’ [‘angels of God’]
*22.37 ‘Jesus’
23.3 AV–‘they bid you observe,
that observe and do’;
NAS–‘they tell you, do and
*23.8 ‘even Christ’
*24.2 ‘Jesus’
24.6 ‘all’ [‘all these things’]
24.7 ‘and pestilences’
24.36 ‘nor the Son’ is added
24.42 ‘hour’ is changed to ‘day’
24.48 ‘his coming’
25.6 ‘cometh’
25.13 ‘wherein the Son of man
25.31 ‘holy’ [‘holy angels’]
25.44 ‘him’ [‘answer him’]
26.3 ‘and the scribes’
*26.28 ‘new’ [‘of the new
26.59 ‘and elders’
26.60 ‘yet found they none’ [second
26.60 ‘false witnesses’ [second
27.2 ‘Pontius’
*27.24 ‘just’ [AV–‘the blood of this
just person’; NAS –‘this
Man’s blood’]
27.34 AV–‘vinegar’, i.e., sour wine;
*27.35 ‘that it…lots’ [last half of the
verse is omitted]
Matthew27.42 ‘if’ [AV–‘If he be the King’;
NAS–‘He is the King’]
27.42 ‘believe him’ is changed to
‘believe in him’
27.64 ‘by night’
28.2 ‘from the door’
28.9 ‘as they went to tell his
28.20 ‘Amen’
*1.1 ‘the Son of God’ [omitted in
some versions and margins]
*1.2 ‘the prophets’ is replaced by
‘Isaiah the prophet’,
an obvious error
*1.14 ‘of the kingdom’ [AV–‘the
gospel of the kingdom of
God’; NAS –‘the gospel of
*1.41 ‘Jesus’
2.2 ‘straightway’
*2.17 ‘to repentance’
3.5 ‘whole as the other’
3.15 ‘to heal sicknesses, and’
3.16 ‘And He appointed the
twelve:’ is added at beginning
of the verse
3.29 ‘damnation’ is changed to ‘sin’
4.4 ‘of the air’
4.9 ‘unto them’
*5.13 ‘Jesus’ is changed to ‘he’
*5.19 ‘Jesus’
6.11 ‘whosoever’ is changed to
‘any place’
*6.11 ‘Verily I say…than for that
city’ [last part of the verse is
6.15 ‘or’ [AV–‘or as one of the
prophets’; NAS –‘like one of
the prophets of old’]
6.16 ‘from the dead’
6.33 ‘him’ is changed to ‘them’
6.33 ‘and came together unto
*6.34 ‘Jesus’
6.36 AV–‘buy themselves bread:
for they have nothing to eat’;
NAS –‘buy themselves
something to eat’
6.44 ‘about’ [AV–‘about five
7.2 ‘they found fault’
*7.8 ‘as the washing…ye do’ [last
half of the verse is omitted]
7.24 ‘and Sidon’
*7.27 ‘Jesus’
*8.1 ‘Jesus’
*8.17 ‘Jesus’
8.17 ‘yet’ [AV–‘have ye your heart
yet hardened?’]
8.25 ‘made him look up’ is
changed to ‘looked intently’
8.26 ‘neither’ and ‘nor’ are
combined into ‘not’
*9.24 ‘Lord’ [referring to Jesus]
*9.29 ‘and fasting’
*9.42 ‘in me’
*9.45 ‘into the fire that never shall
be quenched’
9.49 ‘and every sacrifice shall be
salted with salt’
*10.21 ‘take up the cross’
10.24 ‘for them that trust in riches’
10.29 ‘or wife’
11.10 ‘in the name of the Lord’
*11.11 ‘Jesus’
*11.14 ‘Jesus’
A Textual Key to the New Testament
M A R K*11.15 ‘Jesus’
11.24 ‘ye receive’ is changed to ‘you
have received’
12.4 ‘and at him they cast stones’
*12.30 ‘this is the first
12.33 ‘with all the soul’
*12.41 ‘Jesus’
13.8 ‘and troubles’
13.11 ‘neither do ye premeditate’
13.14 ‘spoken of by Daniel the
*13.33 ‘and pray’
14.19 ‘and another said, Is it I?’
*14.22 ‘Jesus’
*14.22 ‘eat’ [AV–‘Take, eat.’
NAS –‘Take it.’]
*14.24 ‘new’ [‘of the new
14.27 ‘because of me this night’
14.68 ‘and the cock crew’
14.70 ‘and thy speech agreeth
15.3 ‘but he answered nothing’
15.8 ‘crying aloud’ is changed to
‘went up’
*15.39 ‘cried out’
16.8 ‘quickly’
*16.9-20 OMITTED or bracketed in
most Bibles (with variations).
Although missing in the
Vatican and Sinai manuscripts,
it is found in almost every
Greek manuscript which
contains Mark’s Gospel. In
addition it is quoted by
Church Fathers including
Irenaeus and Hippolytus in
the second and third
centuries (thus predating the
two ‘old’ manuscripts,
Vatican and Sinai).
1.28 ‘blessed art thou among
1.29 ‘when she saw him’
2.5 ‘wife’ [AV–‘his espoused
wife’; NAS–‘who was
engaged to him’]
2.9 ‘lo’
*2.14 ‘good will toward men’ is
changed to ‘toward men of
good will’ or ‘among men
with whom he is pleased’
2.17 ‘abroad’
*2.33 ‘And Joseph and his mother’
is changed to ‘and his father
and mother’ (note that the
change affects the Virgin
Birth of our Lord)
*2.40 ‘in spirit’
*2.43 ‘and Joseph and his mother’
is changed to ‘his parents’ (cf.
*4.4 ‘but by every word of God’
*4.8 ‘Get thee behind me, Satan:
4.18 ‘to heal the brokenhearted’
*4.41 ‘Christ’ [first instance; the
reference to Jesus’
Messiahship is eliminated]
5.33 ‘why’ [makes this a statement
rather than a question]
5.38 ‘and both are preserved’
5.39 ‘straightway’
6.10 ‘whole as the other’
6.26 ‘unto you’
6.45 ‘treasure of his heart’ [second
Mark - Luke
LU K E6.48 ‘was founded upon a rock’ is
changed to ‘had been well
7.10 ‘that had been sick’
*7.19 ‘Jesus’
*7.22 ‘Jesus’
7.31 ‘And the Lord said’
*8.38 ‘Jesus’
8.45 ‘and they that were with him’
8.45 ‘and sayest thou, Who
touched me?’
8.48 ‘be of good comfort’
8.54 ‘put them all out, and’
*9.43 ‘Jesus’
9.50 ‘us’ is changed to ‘you’
9.54 ‘even as Elias did’
9.55 ‘and said, Ye know not what
manner of spirit ye are of’
*9.56 ‘For the Son of man is not
come to destroy men’s lives,
but to save them’
*9.60 ‘Jesus’
10.1 ‘seventy’ is changed to
10.17 ‘seventy’ is changed to
10.20 ‘rather’[AV–‘but rather’;
*10.21 ‘Jesus’
10.35 ‘when he departed’
*10.39 ‘Jesus’ [Critical Text has ‘Lord’]
*10.41 ‘Jesus’ [Critical Text has ‘Lord’]
*11.2 ‘our’ [‘Our Father…’]
*11.2 ‘which art in heaven’
*11.2 ‘Thy will be done, as in
heaven, so in earth’
*11.4 ‘but deliver us from evil’
*11.11 ‘bread’ and ‘will he give him
a stone? or if he ask’
11.29 ‘the prophet’
11.44 ‘scribes and Pharisees,
11.54 ‘and seeking’
11.54 ‘that they might accuse him’
*12.31 ‘the kingdom of God’ is
changed to ‘his kingdom’
*13.2 ‘Jesus’
13.19 ‘great’
13.35 ‘desolate’ is in italics
although it is in the Greek
13.35 ‘verily’
14.5 ‘ass’ is changed to ‘son’
17.3 ‘against thee’
17.9 ‘him? I trow [i.e., judge] not’
19.5 ‘and saw him’
20.5 ‘then’
20.23 ‘Why tempt ye me?’
20.30 ‘took her to wife, and he died
*21.4 ‘of God’
21.8 ‘therefore’
22.14 ‘twelve’
22.31 ‘And the Lord said’
*22.43 some versions omit ALL of
this verse or put it in brackets
*22.44 some versions omit ALL of
this verse or put it in
*22.57 ‘him’ [first instance]
(referring to Jesus) is omitted
or changed to ‘it’
22.60 ‘the cock’ is changed to ‘a
*22.63 ‘Jesus’
22.64 ‘they struck him on the face,
22.68 ‘also’ [AV–‘and if I also ask
you, ye will not answer me’;
NAS –‘and if I ask a
question, you will not
22.68 ‘nor let me go’
23.6 ‘of Galilee’ is changed to ‘it’
or omitted
A Textual Key to the New Testament*23.17 ALL OF THIS VERSE IS
23.23 ‘and of the chief priests’
23.25 ‘unto them’
*23.34 ‘Then said Jesus, Father,
forgive them; for they know
not what they do.’ [some
versions bracket this or have
notes which say that this is
not original]
23.38 ‘written’ and ‘in letters of
Greek, and Latin, and Hebrew’
*23.42 ‘Lord’ [the thief on the cross
recognizes Jesus’ Lordship]
*23.43 ‘Jesus’
*23.45 ‘And the sun was darkened’ is
changed to ‘the sun being
obscured’, ‘eclipsed’ or
‘failing’, or a marginal
reading is given to add this
naturalistic effect.
24.1 ‘and certain others with
24.4 ‘much’
*24.6 ‘He is not here, but is risen’ is
omitted from or bracketed in
some versions, or a
problematic footnote is given
24.12 Some versions omit ALL of
this verse, others only omit
*24.36 ‘Jesus’
*24.40 Some versions omit or
bracket this verse. It is found
in every Greek manuscript of
Luke except for one fifth
century Western manuscript.
The omission results from
radical New Testament
criticism principles. Some
versions have misleading or
incorrect footnotes regarding
24.42 ‘and of an honeycomb’
24.49 ‘of Jerusalem’
24.51 ‘and carried up into heaven’.
Only two Greek manuscripts
omit this, but some
Greek texts and critical
editions of the Greek New
Testament and some versions
omit it.
*24.52 Some versions omit ‘they
worshiped him’ from this
verse for the same reasons as
in the case of the omissions
in 24.40; however, some
critical editions of the Greek
New Testament include it.
Without it the risen Lord is
not receiving worship from
His people.
24.53 ‘praising’ is omitted from the
critical Greek text; according
to marginal note in NAS,
NAS changes ‘blessing’ to
24.53 ‘Amen’
*1.18 ‘only begotten Son’ is changed
to ‘only begotten God’
1.27 ‘is preferred before me’
1.51 ‘Hereafter’
2.22 ‘unto them’
*3.2 ‘Jesus’
*3.13 ‘which is in heaven’ [thus an
attribute of God is removed
from Jesus]
3.15 ‘should not perish, but’ is
*4.16 ‘Jesus’
*4.42 ‘the Christ’ [note: Jesus’
Messiahship is obscured]
J O H N*4.46 ‘Jesus’
5.3 ‘waiting for the moving of
the water’
5.16 ‘and sought to slay him’
5.30 ‘Father’
6.11 ‘to the disciples, and the
*6.14 ‘Jesus’
6.22 AV–‘save that one whereinto
his disciples were entered’
NAS –‘except one’
6.39 ‘Father’
*6.47 ‘on me’ [note: not just
‘believing’ secures everlasting
life, but believing ‘in me’
6.58 ‘manna’
*6.69 ‘thou art the Christ, the Son
of the living God’ is changed
to ‘you are the Holy One of
God’ [note: Messiahship and
Deity/Sonship are missing]
7.8 ‘yet’
7.26 ‘very’ [‘this is the very Christ’]
7.29 ‘But’
7.33 ‘unto them’
*7.39 ‘Holy’ [‘Holy Ghost’]
*7.53-8.11 entire section is omitted or
in brackets in many modern
8.9 ‘being convicted by their own
*8.9 ‘Jesus’
8.10 ‘and saw none but the
8.10 ‘thine accusers’
*8.16 AV–‘the Father’; NAS–‘He’
*8.20 ‘Jesus’
*8.21 ‘Jesus’
8.59 ‘going through the midst of
them, and so passed by’
*9.4 ‘I must work the works’ is
changed to ‘we must work
the works’
9.11 ‘the pool of’
*9.35 ‘Son of God’ is changed to
‘Son of man’
10.26 ‘as I said unto you’
10.38 ‘believe’ [third instance;
AV–‘know, and believe,’] is
changed to ‘understand’
[NAS ‘know and
11.41 ‘from the place where the
dead was laid’
*11.45 ‘Jesus’
12.1 ‘which had been dead’
12.41 ‘when’ is changed to
13.2 AV–‘And supper being
ended’; NAS –‘And during
*13.3 ‘Jesus’
14.12 ‘my’ [NAS–‘the Father’]
*14.15 ‘If ye love me, keep my
commandments’ (a
command) is changed to a
statement, ‘If you love me,
you will keep my
14.28 ‘I said’ [AV–‘because I said, I
go’; NAS –‘because I go’]
15.7 ‘ye shall ask’ is changed to
16.3 ‘unto you’
16.10 ‘my’ [NAS –‘the Father’]
*16.16 ‘because I go to the Father’
17.11 ‘those whom’ [referring to
believers] is changed to ‘that
which’ [referring to ‘name’]
17.12 ‘in the world’
*17.12 ‘I kept them in thy name:
those that thou gavest me’ is
changed to ‘I was keeping
A Textual Key to the New Testamentthem in Thy name which
Thou hast given me;’
17.20 ‘shall’ [AV–‘which shall
believe’; NAS –‘who believe’]
*18.5 ‘Jesus’ [second instance]
19.16 ‘and led him away’
*19.38 ‘Jesus’ [third instance]
*19.39 ‘Jesus’
20.19 ‘assembled’
20.29 ‘Thomas’ [AV–‘Jesus saith
unto him, Thomas’]
21.3 ‘immediately’
1.14 ‘and supplication’
2.1 ‘with one accord’ is changed
to ‘together’
2.7 ‘one to another’
2.23 ‘have taken’
*2.30 ‘according to the flesh, he
would raise up Christ’
2.33 ‘now’
2.41 ‘gladly’
2.42 ‘and’ [‘and in breaking of
*2.47 ‘to the church’ is changed to
‘to their number’
3.6 ‘rise up and’
3.20 ‘Jesus Christ, which before
was preached unto you’ is
changed to ‘Jesus, the Christ
appointed for you’
3.24 ‘foretold’ is changed to
*3.26 ‘Jesus’
4.24 ‘God’
5.23 ‘without’ [‘the keepers
standing without’]
5.24 ‘the high priest, and’
5.25 ‘saying’
5.34 ‘apostles’
6.3 ‘Holy’ [AV –‘Holy Ghost’;
NAS –‘Spirit’]
6.13 ‘blasphemous’
*7.30 ‘of the Lord’
7.37 ‘the Lord your’
7.37 ‘him ye shall hear’
9.5 ‘It is hard for thee to kick
against the pricks’
9.6 ‘And he trembling…unto
*9.20 ‘Christ’ is changed to ‘Jesus’
*9.29 ‘Jesus’ [part of verse 28 in the
Critical Text]
10.6 ‘He shall tell thee what thou
oughtest to do’
10.21 ‘which were sent unto him
from Cornelius’
10.32 ‘who, when he cometh, shall
speak unto thee’
*15.11 ‘Christ’
15.18 AV–‘Known unto God are all
his works from the beginning
of the world’; NAS–‘who
makes these things known
from of old’
15.24 ‘saying, Ye must be
circumcised and keep the
*16.31 ‘Christ’
17.5 ‘which believed not’
17.26 ‘blood’
18.21 ‘I must by all means keep
this feast that cometh in
*19.4 ‘Christ’
*19.10 ‘Jesus’
*20.21 ‘Christ’
*20.25 ‘of God’ [‘kingdom of God’]
20.32 ‘brethren’
A C T S20.34 ‘Yea’
21.8 ‘that were of Paul’s company’
21.25 ‘that they observe no such
thing, save’
22.9 ‘and were afraid’
22.16 ‘the name of the Lord’ is
changed to ‘His name’
22.20 ‘unto his death’
23.9 ‘let us not fight against God’
23.15 ‘to morrow’
*24.6-8 ‘and would have
judged…commanding his
accusers to come unto thee’
is omitted [the last part of
verse 6, ALL of verse 7, and
the first part of verse 8]
24.15 ‘of the dead’
24.26 ‘that he might loose him’
25.16 ‘to die’
26.30 ‘when he had thus spoken’
28.16 ‘the centurion delivered the
prisoners to the captain of
the guard: but’
*1.16 ‘of Christ’ [‘the gospel of
1.29 ‘fornication’
1.31 ‘implacable [‘unforgiving’]
3.22 ‘and upon all’
5.2 a few versions omit ‘by faith’
6.11 ‘our Lord’
*8.1 ‘who walk not after the flesh,
but after the Spirit’
*8.26 ‘for us’ [regarding the Holy
Spirit’s intercession] is
omitted or italicized in some
8.28 AV–‘all things work together
for good’; NAS–‘God causes
all things to work together
for good’
9.28 ‘in righteousness: because a
short work’ is omitted, and
many versions rearrange
what parts of the verse
9.31 ‘of righteousness’ [second
9.32 ‘of the law’
10.1 ‘Israel’
*10.15 ‘preach the gospel of peace,’
*10.17 ‘God’ is changed to ‘Christ’
11.6 ‘But if it be of works, then is
it no more grace: otherwise
work is no more work’
*13.9 ‘Thou shalt not bear false
14.6 ‘and he that…doth not
regard it’ [some versions
omit this, some place it in
*14.9 ‘and rose’
*14.10 ‘Christ’ is changed to ‘God’
[note: if ‘Christ’ is read in
verse 10, then He is the God
of verse 12. If the reading in
verse 10 is ‘God’, then the
Deity of Christ is missing in
this passage]
14.21 ‘or is offended, or is made
14.22 ‘Hast thou faith?’ is changed
from a question to a
statement, ‘the faith which
you have’
*15.8 ‘Jesus’
15.24 ‘I will come to you’
*15.29 ‘of the gospel’ [‘of the gospel
of Christ’]
*16.18 ‘Jesus’ [‘Lord Jesus Christ’]
*16.20 ‘Christ’
A Textual Key to the New Testament
1.14 in some versions ‘I thank
God’ is changed to ‘I am
2.4 ‘man’s’
*2.13 ‘Holy’ is omitted from
5.1 ‘named’
*5.4 ‘Christ’ is omitted twice
*5.5 ‘Jesus’ is omitted from some
*5.7 ‘for us’
*6.20 ‘and in your spirit, which are
7.5 ‘fasting and’
7.39 ‘by the law’
*9.1 ‘Christ’
*9.18 ‘of Christ’
9.22 ‘as’ [‘became I as weak’]
*10.9 ‘Christ’ is changed to ‘the Lord’
10.11 ‘all’ [‘Now all these things’]
10.23 ‘for me’ [‘lawful for me’]
10.28 ‘for the earth is the Lord’s,
and the fulness thereof’
*11.24 ‘Take, eat’ [speaking of the
Lord’s Supper]
*11.24 ‘broken’ [speaking of Christ’s
*11.29 ‘unworthily’
*11.29 ‘Lord’s’ [‘the Lord’s body’]
12.13 ‘into’ [‘into one Spirit’] is
changed to ‘of’
14.25 ‘And thus’
14.34 ‘your’ [‘your women’]
14.38 ‘let him be ignorant’ is
changed from an exhortation
to the statement, ‘he is not
*15.47 ‘the Lord’ [the Deity of
Christ is obscured]
15.55 AV–‘O death, where is thy
sting? O grave, where is thy
victory?’; NAS –‘O death,
where is your victory? O
death, where is your sting?’
*16.22 ‘Jesus Christ’
*16.23 ‘Christ’
1.10 ‘doth deliver’ (second
instance) is changed to ‘shall
deliver’ in some versions;
thus ‘delivered…doth
deliver…will yet deliver’
becomes ‘delivered…will
deliver…will yet deliver’.
*4.6 ‘Jesus’
*4.10 ‘the Lord’
*5.18 ‘Jesus’
8.4 ‘that we would receive’
8.24 ‘and’ [‘and before the
9.10 AV–‘Now
multiply…and increase’;
NAS –‘Now He…will
supply and multiply…and
increase’, changing an
expressed wish or prayer
(voluntative optative) to a
statement of future
*10.7 ‘Christ’ [third instance]
10.8 ‘us’ [‘hath given us for
11.6 ‘been’ [AV–‘we have been
throughly made manifest’;
NAS –‘we have made this
*11.31 ‘our’
Romans - 2 Corinthians
2 CORINTHIANS*11.31 ‘Christ’
12.11 ‘in glorying’
13.2 ‘I write’
*1.15 ‘God’ is changed to ‘He’
3.1 ‘that ye should not obey the
3.1 ‘among you’
*3.17 ‘in Christ’ [the Abrahamic
covenant was ‘in Christ’]
4.7 ‘of God through Christ’ is
changed to ‘through God’
4.24 ‘the’ [‘the two covenants’]
5.19 ‘Adultery’
5.21 ‘murders’
*6.15 ‘in Christ Jesus’
*6.17 ‘the Lord’
1.10 ‘both’
1.18 ‘understanding’ is changed to
*3.9 ‘by Jesus Christ’
*3.14 ‘of our Lord Jesus Christ’
4.6 ‘you’ [‘in you all’]
4.9 ‘first’ [‘he also descended
4.17 ‘other’ [‘other Gentiles’] is
changed to ‘the’
*5.9 ‘fruit of the Spirit’ is changed
to ‘fruit of the light’
5.21 ‘fear of God’ is changed to
‘fear of Christ’
5.30 ‘of his flesh, and of his
6.10 ‘my brethren’
1.16-17 these verses are reversed in
the modern versions
3.3 ‘God in the spirit’ is changed
to ‘in the Spirit of God’
*3.16 ‘let us mind the same thing’
*4.13 ‘Christ which strengtheneth
me’ is changed to ‘him who
strengthens me’
4.23 ‘be with you all’ is changed to
‘be with your spirit’
*1.2 ‘and the Lord Jesus Christ’
*1.14 ‘through his blood’
*1.28 ‘Jesus’
2.2 ‘and of the Father, and of’
2.7 ‘therein’
2.11 ‘of the sins of’
*2.18 ‘not’ [‘hath not seen’ is
changed to ‘has seen’]
2.20 ‘Wherefore’
*3.6 ‘on the children of
*3.13 ‘Christ’ is changed to ‘the
*3.15 ‘God’ is changed to ‘Christ’
*3.22 ‘God’ is changed to ‘the Lord’
3.24 ‘for’ is omitted, changing the
conclusion of the Apostle’s
statement to a separate
*1.1 ‘from God our Father, and
the Lord Jesus Christ’
2.2 ‘even’ [‘But even after’]
A Textual Key to the New Testament
1 THESSALONIANS*2.19 ‘Christ’
3.2 ‘minister’
*3.11 ‘Christ’ [AV–‘our Lord Jesus
Christ’; NAS –‘Jesus our Lord’]
*3.13 ‘Christ’
5.27 ‘holy’ [‘holy brethren’]
*1.8 ‘Christ’
*1.12 ‘Christ’ [first instance]
*2.2 ‘day of Christ’ is changed to
‘day of the Lord’
*2.4 ‘as God’ [AV–‘he as God
sitteth’; NAS –‘he takes his seat’]
1.1 ‘Lord’
*1.17 ‘wise’ [‘only wise God’]
*2.7 ‘in Christ’ [‘I speak the truth
in Christ’]
3.3 ‘not greedy of filthy lucre’
*3.16 ‘God’ is replaced with ‘he’, ‘he
who’, or ‘what’ (see the
Society’s Article no. 103, God
was Manifest in the Flesh,
regarding this passage)
4.12 ‘in spirit’
5.4 ‘good and’
5.16 ‘man or’ [Greek: ‘believing
man or believing woman’]
*6.5 ‘from such withdraw thyself’
6.7 ‘and it is certain’
1.1 ‘an apostle of Jesus Christ’ is
changed to ‘an apostle of
Christ Jesus’
1.11 ‘of the Gentiles’
*2.19 ‘name of Christ’ is changed to
‘name of the Lord’
4.1 ‘therefore’
*4.1 ‘Lord’
*4.22 ‘Jesus Christ’
1.4 ‘mercy’
*1.4 ‘Lord’ is omitted, and ‘Jesus
Christ’ is reversed
2.7 ‘sincerity’
* 6 ‘Jesus’
* 12 ‘Whom I have sent again:
thou therefore receive him,
that is, mine own bowels’ is
changed to ‘And I have sent
him back to you in person,
that is, sending my very heart’
*1.3 ‘by himself’
*1.3 ‘our’ [‘purged our sins’]
*2.7 ‘and didst set him over the
works of thy hands’ is
omitted in many versions
*3.1 ‘Christ’
3.6 ‘firm unto the end’ is
omitted in many versions
6.10 ‘labour of’
*7.21 ‘after the order of Melchisedec’
8.12 ‘and their iniquities’
*10.9 ‘O God’ is omitted in many
*10.30 ‘saith the Lord’
Galatians - Hebrews
1 T I M O T H Y
2 T I M O T H Y
H E B R E W S10.34 ‘my’ [‘my bonds’]
10.34 ‘in heaven’
*11.11 ‘was delivered of a child’.
Some modern versions add,
with no Greek manuscript
support, an entire section
about Abraham being
enabled to beget children.
*11.13 ‘were persuaded of them’
*11.37 ‘were tempted’ is omitted
from most versions
12.20 ‘or thrust through with a dart’
1.19 ‘Wherefore’ is changed to
‘this you know’ and ‘but’ is
added [‘But let every one’]
1.26 ‘among you’
2.18 ‘thy’ [AV–‘without thy works’;
NAS–‘without the works’]
2.18 ‘my’ is omitted from most
*2.20 ‘faith without works is dead’
is changed to ‘faith without
works is useless’
4.2 ‘yet’ [in addition to this
omission, the NAS adds ‘so’,
giving the impression of
causal relationship]
*4.4 ‘adulterers and’
5.5 ‘as’ [‘as in a day of slaughter’]
5.16 ‘faults’ is changed to ‘sins’
[different Greek words]
*5.20 ‘a soul’ is changed to ‘his soul’
1.16 ‘Be ye holy’ [a command] is
changed to ‘you shall be holy’
[future tense]
*1.22 ‘through the Spirit’
1.23 ‘for ever’
*3.15 ‘God’ is changed to ‘Christ’
*4.1 ‘for us’ [‘Christ hath suffered
for us’]
4.14 ‘on their part he is evil spoken
of, but on your part he is
5.8 ‘because’
*5.10 ‘Jesus’
5.11 ‘glory and’
*5.14 ‘Jesus. Amen.’
*1.21 ‘holy’ [‘holy men of God’]
2.17 ‘for ever’
3.9 ‘us’ is changed to ‘you’
3.10 ‘in the night’
*3.10 ‘shall be burned up’ is
changed to ‘discovered’; some
versions have this change as a
footnote only
*1.7 ‘Christ’
2.7 ‘brethren’ is changed to
2.7 ‘from the beginning’ [second
*2.20 ‘ye know all things’ is changed
to ‘you all know’
3.1 ‘and we are’ is added after
‘sons of God’
3.14 ‘his brother’ [‘loveth not his
*3.19 ‘we know’ is changed to ‘we
shall know’ (but note the
*4.3 ‘Christ is come in the flesh’
A Textual Key to the New Testament
1 P E T E R
2 P E T E R
1 J O H N*4.19 ‘we love him’ is changed to
‘we love’
*5.7-8 ‘in heaven; the Father, the
Word, and the Holy Ghost:
and these three are one. And
there are three that bear
witness in earth,’ (See the
Society’s Article no. 102, Why
1 John 5.7-8 is in the Bible.)
*5.13 ‘and that ye may believe on
the name of the Son of God’
3 ‘the Lord’
9 ‘of Christ’ [second instance]
11 ‘but’ [‘but he that doeth evil’]
* 1 ‘sanctified’ is changed to
* 4 ‘God’
23 AV–‘And others save with
fear,’ NAS–‘save others,…and
on some have mercy with
* 25 ‘wise’ [‘only wise God’]
25 some versions add ‘before all
time and’
*1.5 ‘loved us, and washed us’ is
changed to ‘loves us and
released us’
1.8 ‘the beginning and the ending’
*1.9 ‘Christ’ is omitted twice
*1.11 ‘I am the Alpha and Omega,
the first and the last and’
1.11 ‘which are in Asia’
1.17 ‘unto me’
1.20 ‘which thou sawest’ [second
2.9 ‘works’
2.13 ‘thy works, and’
2.15 ‘which thing I hate’
3.4 ‘even’ [‘even in Sardis’]
3.11 ‘Behold’
5.4 ‘and to read’
5.5 ‘to loose’
5.6 ‘and, lo,’
5.14 ‘four and twenty’
*5.14 ‘him that liveth for ever and
*6.1,3,5,7 ‘and see’ [‘Come and see’]
6.12 ‘lo’
*7.5b-8b ‘were sealed’ is omitted in ten
of the twelve instances
*8.13 ‘I heard an angel’ is changed
to ‘I heard an eagle’
10.4 ‘unto me’
*11.1 AV–‘and the angel stood,
saying’; NAS–‘and someone
said’ (RSV ‘and I was told’)
11.4 ‘the God’ is changed to ‘the
*11.17 ‘and art to come’
12.12 ‘the inhabiters’
*12.17 ‘Christ’
*14.5 ‘before the throne of God’
14.8 ‘city’
14.12 ‘here are they’
14.13 ‘unto me’
14.15 ‘for thee’
15.2 ‘over his mark’
15.3 ‘the saints’ is changed to ‘the
15.5 ‘behold’
James - Revelation
2 J O H N
3 J O H N
REVELATION*16.5 ‘O Lord’
16.7 ‘another out of’ [without
this, an inanimate object, the
altar, is speaking]
16.14 ‘of the earth and’
16.17 ‘of heaven’
17.1 ‘unto me’
18.2 AV–‘cried mightily with a
strong voice’; NAS–‘cried out
with a mighty voice’
18.6 ‘you’ [‘rewarded you’]
*19.1 ‘the Lord’
*20.9 ‘God out of’
*20.12 ‘before God’ is changed to
‘before the throne’
21.2 ‘John’
21.5 ‘unto me’
21.9 ‘unto me’
21.10 AV–‘that great city, the holy
Jerusalem’; NAS–‘the holy
city, Jerusalem’
21.24 ‘of them which are saved’
22.1 ‘pure’
*22.14 ‘do his commandments’ is
changed to ‘wash their robes’
*22.19 ‘book of life’ is changed to
‘tree of life’
*22.21 ‘Christ’
A Textual Key to the New Testament
Gospels 335
Acts 59
Pauline Epis. 142
Hebrews 16
General Epis. 44
Revelation 54
Total 650The aims of the Society
# To publish and distribute the Holy Scriptures
throughout the world in many languages.
# To promote Bible translations which are
accurate and trustworthy.
# To be instrumental in bringing light and life,
through the Gospel of Christ, to those who are
lost in sin and in the darkness of false religion
and unbelief.
# To uphol d the do c tr i ne s of r e for me d
Christianity, bearing witness to the equal and
eternal deity of God the Father, God the Son
and God the Holy Spirit, One God in three
# To uphold the Bible as the inspired, inerrant
Wor d of G o d
# For the Glory of God and the increase of
His Kingdom through the circulation of
Protestant or uncorrupted versions of the
Wor d of Go d .
For introductory literature and catalogue
please write to the Society at the address below.
Trinitarian Bible Society
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London, SW19 3NN, England
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al Key to the
New Testament
A list of Omissions and Changes copyright © 1993, 2002 Trinitarian Bible Society
G. W. AndersonI
n recent years, much has been
said and written regarding the
excellence, accuracy and readability
of the modern versions of the New
Testament. It is often stated that these
versions are more accurate than the
Authorised (King James) Version
because the newer translations are
based upon older and better manuscripts than those upon which the
Authorised Version is based. There are
many today, however, who would not
agree with this assessment. It is their
contention that the manuscripts of
the New Testament used in the
modern versions are corrupted and, in
effect, detract from essential doctrines
of the Bible. The Trinitarian Bible
Society has provided the list below as a
useful guide in opposing the use of
these manuscripts and modern translations.
The list below is a compilation of
verses in which the modern versions
have followed corrupted manuscripts
and made drastic alterations to the traditionally accepted text of the New
Testament. The central purpose of this
list is to aid the Bible student in discerning and evaluating whether his translation is founded upon these few ‘older’
manuscripts, and how far astray his
translation goes. A simple comparison
of the verses below with any modern
translation will show the extent of corruption in our modern versions.
The comparison of these modern
versions needs to be made by using a
copy of the Authorised Version. While
perfection is not claimed for the
Authorised Version or for any other version, it is an accurate and excellent
translation which follows the
Traditional or Received Text of the New
Testament and was not affected by the
current rage of paraphrasing. Some
versions will be difficult to compare
because of the modern tendency among
translators to use ‘dynamic equivalence’
methods of translation (see the New
International Version: What today’s
Christian needs to know about the NIV,
published by the Society).
This list of variant readings is not
complete. It is designed to show the
many and most serious omissions in the
modern editions of the New Testament.
In addition to omissions, a few
instances of change and additions are
included. Unless otherwise stated, each
variant listed represents an omission.
It is hoped that many will see the
problems with the modern texts and
versions and will change back to a ‘complete’ edition of the New Testament. It
is the prayer of the Trinitarian Bible
Society that God will be pleased to use
this textual variant list to call His people
back to a day of purer translations and
sounder principles of translation and
textual criticism.
A Textual Key to the New Testament
A list of Omissions and Changes
by G.W. and D.E. Anderson 1.7 ‘Asa’ is changed to ‘Asaph’
[often this error is printed in
the margin rather than in the
1.10 ‘Amon’ is changed to ‘Amos’
[see verse 7 above]
*1.25 ‘firstborn’
*4.12 ‘Jesus’
*4.18 ‘Jesus’
*4.23 ‘Jesus’
5.22 ‘without a cause’
5.27 ‘by them of old time’
*5.44 ‘bless them that curse you,
do good to them that hate
you,’ and ‘despitefully use
you, and’
5.47 ‘publicans’ is changed to
6.4 ‘openly’
6.6 ‘openly’
6.13 ‘For thine…Amen’
6.18 ‘openly’
*6.33 AV–‘the kingdom of God’;
NAS–‘His kingdom’
*8.3 ‘Jesus’
*8.5 ‘Jesus’
*8.7 ‘Jesus’
8.15 ‘them’ is changed to ‘him’
*8.29 ‘Jesus’ [‘Jesus, thou Son of
8.31 ‘suffer us to go away’ is
changed to ‘send us’
9.8 ‘they marvelled’ is changed
to ‘they were afraid’ [RSV;
NAS–‘they were filled with
*9.12 ‘Jesus’
9.13 ‘to repentance’
9.14 ‘oft’
9.35 ‘among the people’
9.36 ‘fainted’ is changed to
10.3 ‘Lebbaeus, whose surname
11.2 ‘two of his disciples’ is
changed to ‘by his disciples’
12.8 ‘even’
12.15 ‘multitudes’
12.22 ‘blind and’ [second instance]
*12.25 ‘Jesus’
12.35 ‘of the heart’
*13.36 ‘Jesus’
*13.51 ‘Jesus saith unto them’
*13.51 ‘Lord’ [‘Yea, Lord’]
*14.14 ‘Jesus’
*14.22 ‘Jesus’
*14.25 ‘Jesus’
14.30 ‘boisterous’
14.33 ‘came and’
A Textual Key to the New Testament
Found in Most Modern New Testaments
Unless otherwise noted, the variant listed represents
an omission from the Traditional Text.
An asterisk indicates some of the more serious omissions or doctrinal problems.
In instances of change, the Authorised Version reading, which represents the
reading of the Traditional Text, is given in comparison with the critical text reading as found in the New American Standard Version.
M AT T H E W15.6 ‘or his mother’
15.6 ‘commandment’ is changed
to ‘word’
15.8 ‘draweth nigh unto me with
their mouth, and’
15.16 ‘Jesus’
*15.30 ‘Jesus’
16.3 ‘O ye hypocrites’
16.4 ‘the prophet’
*16.20 ‘Jesus’
17.4 ‘Let us make’ is changed to ‘I
will make’
17.11 AV–‘Jesus’; NAS–‘He’
17.11 ‘unto them’
17.11 ‘first’ [‘shall first come’]
*17.20 ‘Jesus’
17.22 ‘abode’ is changed to ‘were
gathering together’
*18.2 ‘Jesus’
18.29 ‘at his feet’
18.29 ‘all’ [‘I will pay thee all’]
18.35 ‘their trespasses’
*19.9 ‘and whoso marrieth her
which is put away doth
commit adultery.’
19.17 AV–‘there is none good but
one, that is, God’;
NAS–‘there is only One who
is good’
19.20 ‘from my youth up’
19.29 ‘or wife’
20.7 ‘and whatsoever is right, that
shall ye receive’
20.16 ‘for many be called, but few
*20.22 ‘and to be baptized with the
baptism that I am baptized
with?’ [see also verse 23]
*20.23 ‘and be baptised with the
baptism that I am baptized
with:’ [see also verse 22]
21.4 AV–‘All this’; NAS–‘now this’
21.12 ‘of God’ [‘the temple of God’]
21.44 ALL of this verse is omitted
in some versions
22.13 ‘take him away, and’
22.30 ‘of God’ [‘angels of God’]
*22.37 ‘Jesus’
23.3 AV–‘they bid you observe,
that observe and do’;
NAS–‘they tell you, do and
*23.8 ‘even Christ’
*24.2 ‘Jesus’
24.6 ‘all’ [‘all these things’]
24.7 ‘and pestilences’
24.36 ‘nor the Son’ is added
24.42 ‘hour’ is changed to ‘day’
24.48 ‘his coming’
25.6 ‘cometh’
25.13 ‘wherein the Son of man
25.31 ‘holy’ [‘holy angels’]
25.44 ‘him’ [‘answer him’]
26.3 ‘and the scribes’
*26.28 ‘new’ [‘of the new
26.59 ‘and elders’
26.60 ‘yet found they none’ [second
26.60 ‘false witnesses’ [second
27.2 ‘Pontius’
*27.24 ‘just’ [AV–‘the blood of this
just person’; NAS –‘this
Man’s blood’]
27.34 AV–‘vinegar’, i.e., sour wine;
*27.35 ‘that it…lots’ [last half of the
verse is omitted]
Matthew27.42 ‘if’ [AV–‘If he be the King’;
NAS–‘He is the King’]
27.42 ‘believe him’ is changed to
‘believe in him’
27.64 ‘by night’
28.2 ‘from the door’
28.9 ‘as they went to tell his
28.20 ‘Amen’
*1.1 ‘the Son of God’ [omitted in
some versions and margins]
*1.2 ‘the prophets’ is replaced by
‘Isaiah the prophet’,
an obvious error
*1.14 ‘of the kingdom’ [AV–‘the
gospel of the kingdom of
God’; NAS –‘the gospel of
*1.41 ‘Jesus’
2.2 ‘straightway’
*2.17 ‘to repentance’
3.5 ‘whole as the other’
3.15 ‘to heal sicknesses, and’
3.16 ‘And He appointed the
twelve:’ is added at beginning
of the verse
3.29 ‘damnation’ is changed to ‘sin’
4.4 ‘of the air’
4.9 ‘unto them’
*5.13 ‘Jesus’ is changed to ‘he’
*5.19 ‘Jesus’
6.11 ‘whosoever’ is changed to
‘any place’
*6.11 ‘Verily I say…than for that
city’ [last part of the verse is
6.15 ‘or’ [AV–‘or as one of the
prophets’; NAS –‘like one of
the prophets of old’]
6.16 ‘from the dead’
6.33 ‘him’ is changed to ‘them’
6.33 ‘and came together unto
*6.34 ‘Jesus’
6.36 AV–‘buy themselves bread:
for they have nothing to eat’;
NAS –‘buy themselves
something to eat’
6.44 ‘about’ [AV–‘about five
7.2 ‘they found fault’
*7.8 ‘as the washing…ye do’ [last
half of the verse is omitted]
7.24 ‘and Sidon’
*7.27 ‘Jesus’
*8.1 ‘Jesus’
*8.17 ‘Jesus’
8.17 ‘yet’ [AV–‘have ye your heart
yet hardened?’]
8.25 ‘made him look up’ is
changed to ‘looked intently’
8.26 ‘neither’ and ‘nor’ are
combined into ‘not’
*9.24 ‘Lord’ [referring to Jesus]
*9.29 ‘and fasting’
*9.42 ‘in me’
*9.45 ‘into the fire that never shall
be quenched’
9.49 ‘and every sacrifice shall be
salted with salt’
*10.21 ‘take up the cross’
10.24 ‘for them that trust in riches’
10.29 ‘or wife’
11.10 ‘in the name of the Lord’
*11.11 ‘Jesus’
*11.14 ‘Jesus’
A Textual Key to the New Testament
M A R K*11.15 ‘Jesus’
11.24 ‘ye receive’ is changed to ‘you
have received’
12.4 ‘and at him they cast stones’
*12.30 ‘this is the first
12.33 ‘with all the soul’
*12.41 ‘Jesus’
13.8 ‘and troubles’
13.11 ‘neither do ye premeditate’
13.14 ‘spoken of by Daniel the
*13.33 ‘and pray’
14.19 ‘and another said, Is it I?’
*14.22 ‘Jesus’
*14.22 ‘eat’ [AV–‘Take, eat.’
NAS –‘Take it.’]
*14.24 ‘new’ [‘of the new
14.27 ‘because of me this night’
14.68 ‘and the cock crew’
14.70 ‘and thy speech agreeth
15.3 ‘but he answered nothing’
15.8 ‘crying aloud’ is changed to
‘went up’
*15.39 ‘cried out’
16.8 ‘quickly’
*16.9-20 OMITTED or bracketed in
most Bibles (with variations).
Although missing in the
Vatican and Sinai manuscripts,
it is found in almost every
Greek manuscript which
contains Mark’s Gospel. In
addition it is quoted by
Church Fathers including
Irenaeus and Hippolytus in
the second and third
centuries (thus predating the
two ‘old’ manuscripts,
Vatican and Sinai).
1.28 ‘blessed art thou among
1.29 ‘when she saw him’
2.5 ‘wife’ [AV–‘his espoused
wife’; NAS–‘who was
engaged to him’]
2.9 ‘lo’
*2.14 ‘good will toward men’ is
changed to ‘toward men of
good will’ or ‘among men
with whom he is pleased’
2.17 ‘abroad’
*2.33 ‘And Joseph and his mother’
is changed to ‘and his father
and mother’ (note that the
change affects the Virgin
Birth of our Lord)
*2.40 ‘in spirit’
*2.43 ‘and Joseph and his mother’
is changed to ‘his parents’ (cf.
*4.4 ‘but by every word of God’
*4.8 ‘Get thee behind me, Satan:
4.18 ‘to heal the brokenhearted’
*4.41 ‘Christ’ [first instance; the
reference to Jesus’
Messiahship is eliminated]
5.33 ‘why’ [makes this a statement
rather than a question]
5.38 ‘and both are preserved’
5.39 ‘straightway’
6.10 ‘whole as the other’
6.26 ‘unto you’
6.45 ‘treasure of his heart’ [second
Mark - Luke
LU K E6.48 ‘was founded upon a rock’ is
changed to ‘had been well
7.10 ‘that had been sick’
*7.19 ‘Jesus’
*7.22 ‘Jesus’
7.31 ‘And the Lord said’
*8.38 ‘Jesus’
8.45 ‘and they that were with him’
8.45 ‘and sayest thou, Who
touched me?’
8.48 ‘be of good comfort’
8.54 ‘put them all out, and’
*9.43 ‘Jesus’
9.50 ‘us’ is changed to ‘you’
9.54 ‘even as Elias did’
9.55 ‘and said, Ye know not what
manner of spirit ye are of’
*9.56 ‘For the Son of man is not
come to destroy men’s lives,
but to save them’
*9.60 ‘Jesus’
10.1 ‘seventy’ is changed to
10.17 ‘seventy’ is changed to
10.20 ‘rather’[AV–‘but rather’;
*10.21 ‘Jesus’
10.35 ‘when he departed’
*10.39 ‘Jesus’ [Critical Text has ‘Lord’]
*10.41 ‘Jesus’ [Critical Text has ‘Lord’]
*11.2 ‘our’ [‘Our Father…’]
*11.2 ‘which art in heaven’
*11.2 ‘Thy will be done, as in
heaven, so in earth’
*11.4 ‘but deliver us from evil’
*11.11 ‘bread’ and ‘will he give him
a stone? or if he ask’
11.29 ‘the prophet’
11.44 ‘scribes and Pharisees,
11.54 ‘and seeking’
11.54 ‘that they might accuse him’
*12.31 ‘the kingdom of God’ is
changed to ‘his kingdom’
*13.2 ‘Jesus’
13.19 ‘great’
13.35 ‘desolate’ is in italics
although it is in the Greek
13.35 ‘verily’
14.5 ‘ass’ is changed to ‘son’
17.3 ‘against thee’
17.9 ‘him? I trow [i.e., judge] not’
19.5 ‘and saw him’
20.5 ‘then’
20.23 ‘Why tempt ye me?’
20.30 ‘took her to wife, and he died
*21.4 ‘of God’
21.8 ‘therefore’
22.14 ‘twelve’
22.31 ‘And the Lord said’
*22.43 some versions omit ALL of
this verse or put it in brackets
*22.44 some versions omit ALL of
this verse or put it in
*22.57 ‘him’ [first instance]
(referring to Jesus) is omitted
or changed to ‘it’
22.60 ‘the cock’ is changed to ‘a
*22.63 ‘Jesus’
22.64 ‘they struck him on the face,
22.68 ‘also’ [AV–‘and if I also ask
you, ye will not answer me’;
NAS –‘and if I ask a
question, you will not
22.68 ‘nor let me go’
23.6 ‘of Galilee’ is changed to ‘it’
or omitted
A Textual Key to the New Testament*23.17 ALL OF THIS VERSE IS
23.23 ‘and of the chief priests’
23.25 ‘unto them’
*23.34 ‘Then said Jesus, Father,
forgive them; for they know
not what they do.’ [some
versions bracket this or have
notes which say that this is
not original]
23.38 ‘written’ and ‘in letters of
Greek, and Latin, and Hebrew’
*23.42 ‘Lord’ [the thief on the cross
recognizes Jesus’ Lordship]
*23.43 ‘Jesus’
*23.45 ‘And the sun was darkened’ is
changed to ‘the sun being
obscured’, ‘eclipsed’ or
‘failing’, or a marginal
reading is given to add this
naturalistic effect.
24.1 ‘and certain others with
24.4 ‘much’
*24.6 ‘He is not here, but is risen’ is
omitted from or bracketed in
some versions, or a
problematic footnote is given
24.12 Some versions omit ALL of
this verse, others only omit
*24.36 ‘Jesus’
*24.40 Some versions omit or
bracket this verse. It is found
in every Greek manuscript of
Luke except for one fifth
century Western manuscript.
The omission results from
radical New Testament
criticism principles. Some
versions have misleading or
incorrect footnotes regarding
24.42 ‘and of an honeycomb’
24.49 ‘of Jerusalem’
24.51 ‘and carried up into heaven’.
Only two Greek manuscripts
omit this, but some
Greek texts and critical
editions of the Greek New
Testament and some versions
omit it.
*24.52 Some versions omit ‘they
worshiped him’ from this
verse for the same reasons as
in the case of the omissions
in 24.40; however, some
critical editions of the Greek
New Testament include it.
Without it the risen Lord is
not receiving worship from
His people.
24.53 ‘praising’ is omitted from the
critical Greek text; according
to marginal note in NAS,
NAS changes ‘blessing’ to
24.53 ‘Amen’
*1.18 ‘only begotten Son’ is changed
to ‘only begotten God’
1.27 ‘is preferred before me’
1.51 ‘Hereafter’
2.22 ‘unto them’
*3.2 ‘Jesus’
*3.13 ‘which is in heaven’ [thus an
attribute of God is removed
from Jesus]
3.15 ‘should not perish, but’ is
*4.16 ‘Jesus’
*4.42 ‘the Christ’ [note: Jesus’
Messiahship is obscured]
J O H N*4.46 ‘Jesus’
5.3 ‘waiting for the moving of
the water’
5.16 ‘and sought to slay him’
5.30 ‘Father’
6.11 ‘to the disciples, and the
*6.14 ‘Jesus’
6.22 AV–‘save that one whereinto
his disciples were entered’
NAS –‘except one’
6.39 ‘Father’
*6.47 ‘on me’ [note: not just
‘believing’ secures everlasting
life, but believing ‘in me’
6.58 ‘manna’
*6.69 ‘thou art the Christ, the Son
of the living God’ is changed
to ‘you are the Holy One of
God’ [note: Messiahship and
Deity/Sonship are missing]
7.8 ‘yet’
7.26 ‘very’ [‘this is the very Christ’]
7.29 ‘But’
7.33 ‘unto them’
*7.39 ‘Holy’ [‘Holy Ghost’]
*7.53-8.11 entire section is omitted or
in brackets in many modern
8.9 ‘being convicted by their own
*8.9 ‘Jesus’
8.10 ‘and saw none but the
8.10 ‘thine accusers’
*8.16 AV–‘the Father’; NAS–‘He’
*8.20 ‘Jesus’
*8.21 ‘Jesus’
8.59 ‘going through the midst of
them, and so passed by’
*9.4 ‘I must work the works’ is
changed to ‘we must work
the works’
9.11 ‘the pool of’
*9.35 ‘Son of God’ is changed to
‘Son of man’
10.26 ‘as I said unto you’
10.38 ‘believe’ [third instance;
AV–‘know, and believe,’] is
changed to ‘understand’
[NAS ‘know and
11.41 ‘from the place where the
dead was laid’
*11.45 ‘Jesus’
12.1 ‘which had been dead’
12.41 ‘when’ is changed to
13.2 AV–‘And supper being
ended’; NAS –‘And during
*13.3 ‘Jesus’
14.12 ‘my’ [NAS–‘the Father’]
*14.15 ‘If ye love me, keep my
commandments’ (a
command) is changed to a
statement, ‘If you love me,
you will keep my
14.28 ‘I said’ [AV–‘because I said, I
go’; NAS –‘because I go’]
15.7 ‘ye shall ask’ is changed to
16.3 ‘unto you’
16.10 ‘my’ [NAS –‘the Father’]
*16.16 ‘because I go to the Father’
17.11 ‘those whom’ [referring to
believers] is changed to ‘that
which’ [referring to ‘name’]
17.12 ‘in the world’
*17.12 ‘I kept them in thy name:
those that thou gavest me’ is
changed to ‘I was keeping
A Textual Key to the New Testamentthem in Thy name which
Thou hast given me;’
17.20 ‘shall’ [AV–‘which shall
believe’; NAS –‘who believe’]
*18.5 ‘Jesus’ [second instance]
19.16 ‘and led him away’
*19.38 ‘Jesus’ [third instance]
*19.39 ‘Jesus’
20.19 ‘assembled’
20.29 ‘Thomas’ [AV–‘Jesus saith
unto him, Thomas’]
21.3 ‘immediately’
1.14 ‘and supplication’
2.1 ‘with one accord’ is changed
to ‘together’
2.7 ‘one to another’
2.23 ‘have taken’
*2.30 ‘according to the flesh, he
would raise up Christ’
2.33 ‘now’
2.41 ‘gladly’
2.42 ‘and’ [‘and in breaking of
*2.47 ‘to the church’ is changed to
‘to their number’
3.6 ‘rise up and’
3.20 ‘Jesus Christ, which before
was preached unto you’ is
changed to ‘Jesus, the Christ
appointed for you’
3.24 ‘foretold’ is changed to
*3.26 ‘Jesus’
4.24 ‘God’
5.23 ‘without’ [‘the keepers
standing without’]
5.24 ‘the high priest, and’
5.25 ‘saying’
5.34 ‘apostles’
6.3 ‘Holy’ [AV –‘Holy Ghost’;
NAS –‘Spirit’]
6.13 ‘blasphemous’
*7.30 ‘of the Lord’
7.37 ‘the Lord your’
7.37 ‘him ye shall hear’
9.5 ‘It is hard for thee to kick
against the pricks’
9.6 ‘And he trembling…unto
*9.20 ‘Christ’ is changed to ‘Jesus’
*9.29 ‘Jesus’ [part of verse 28 in the
Critical Text]
10.6 ‘He shall tell thee what thou
oughtest to do’
10.21 ‘which were sent unto him
from Cornelius’
10.32 ‘who, when he cometh, shall
speak unto thee’
*15.11 ‘Christ’
15.18 AV–‘Known unto God are all
his works from the beginning
of the world’; NAS–‘who
makes these things known
from of old’
15.24 ‘saying, Ye must be
circumcised and keep the
*16.31 ‘Christ’
17.5 ‘which believed not’
17.26 ‘blood’
18.21 ‘I must by all means keep
this feast that cometh in
*19.4 ‘Christ’
*19.10 ‘Jesus’
*20.21 ‘Christ’
*20.25 ‘of God’ [‘kingdom of God’]
20.32 ‘brethren’
A C T S20.34 ‘Yea’
21.8 ‘that were of Paul’s company’
21.25 ‘that they observe no such
thing, save’
22.9 ‘and were afraid’
22.16 ‘the name of the Lord’ is
changed to ‘His name’
22.20 ‘unto his death’
23.9 ‘let us not fight against God’
23.15 ‘to morrow’
*24.6-8 ‘and would have
judged…commanding his
accusers to come unto thee’
is omitted [the last part of
verse 6, ALL of verse 7, and
the first part of verse 8]
24.15 ‘of the dead’
24.26 ‘that he might loose him’
25.16 ‘to die’
26.30 ‘when he had thus spoken’
28.16 ‘the centurion delivered the
prisoners to the captain of
the guard: but’
*1.16 ‘of Christ’ [‘the gospel of
1.29 ‘fornication’
1.31 ‘implacable [‘unforgiving’]
3.22 ‘and upon all’
5.2 a few versions omit ‘by faith’
6.11 ‘our Lord’
*8.1 ‘who walk not after the flesh,
but after the Spirit’
*8.26 ‘for us’ [regarding the Holy
Spirit’s intercession] is
omitted or italicized in some
8.28 AV–‘all things work together
for good’; NAS–‘God causes
all things to work together
for good’
9.28 ‘in righteousness: because a
short work’ is omitted, and
many versions rearrange
what parts of the verse
9.31 ‘of righteousness’ [second
9.32 ‘of the law’
10.1 ‘Israel’
*10.15 ‘preach the gospel of peace,’
*10.17 ‘God’ is changed to ‘Christ’
11.6 ‘But if it be of works, then is
it no more grace: otherwise
work is no more work’
*13.9 ‘Thou shalt not bear false
14.6 ‘and he that…doth not
regard it’ [some versions
omit this, some place it in
*14.9 ‘and rose’
*14.10 ‘Christ’ is changed to ‘God’
[note: if ‘Christ’ is read in
verse 10, then He is the God
of verse 12. If the reading in
verse 10 is ‘God’, then the
Deity of Christ is missing in
this passage]
14.21 ‘or is offended, or is made
14.22 ‘Hast thou faith?’ is changed
from a question to a
statement, ‘the faith which
you have’
*15.8 ‘Jesus’
15.24 ‘I will come to you’
*15.29 ‘of the gospel’ [‘of the gospel
of Christ’]
*16.18 ‘Jesus’ [‘Lord Jesus Christ’]
*16.20 ‘Christ’
A Textual Key to the New Testament
1.14 in some versions ‘I thank
God’ is changed to ‘I am
2.4 ‘man’s’
*2.13 ‘Holy’ is omitted from
5.1 ‘named’
*5.4 ‘Christ’ is omitted twice
*5.5 ‘Jesus’ is omitted from some
*5.7 ‘for us’
*6.20 ‘and in your spirit, which are
7.5 ‘fasting and’
7.39 ‘by the law’
*9.1 ‘Christ’
*9.18 ‘of Christ’
9.22 ‘as’ [‘became I as weak’]
*10.9 ‘Christ’ is changed to ‘the Lord’
10.11 ‘all’ [‘Now all these things’]
10.23 ‘for me’ [‘lawful for me’]
10.28 ‘for the earth is the Lord’s,
and the fulness thereof’
*11.24 ‘Take, eat’ [speaking of the
Lord’s Supper]
*11.24 ‘broken’ [speaking of Christ’s
*11.29 ‘unworthily’
*11.29 ‘Lord’s’ [‘the Lord’s body’]
12.13 ‘into’ [‘into one Spirit’] is
changed to ‘of’
14.25 ‘And thus’
14.34 ‘your’ [‘your women’]
14.38 ‘let him be ignorant’ is
changed from an exhortation
to the statement, ‘he is not
*15.47 ‘the Lord’ [the Deity of
Christ is obscured]
15.55 AV–‘O death, where is thy
sting? O grave, where is thy
victory?’; NAS –‘O death,
where is your victory? O
death, where is your sting?’
*16.22 ‘Jesus Christ’
*16.23 ‘Christ’
1.10 ‘doth deliver’ (second
instance) is changed to ‘shall
deliver’ in some versions;
thus ‘delivered…doth
deliver…will yet deliver’
becomes ‘delivered…will
deliver…will yet deliver’.
*4.6 ‘Jesus’
*4.10 ‘the Lord’
*5.18 ‘Jesus’
8.4 ‘that we would receive’
8.24 ‘and’ [‘and before the
9.10 AV–‘Now
multiply…and increase’;
NAS –‘Now He…will
supply and multiply…and
increase’, changing an
expressed wish or prayer
(voluntative optative) to a
statement of future
*10.7 ‘Christ’ [third instance]
10.8 ‘us’ [‘hath given us for
11.6 ‘been’ [AV–‘we have been
throughly made manifest’;
NAS –‘we have made this
*11.31 ‘our’
Romans - 2 Corinthians
2 CORINTHIANS*11.31 ‘Christ’
12.11 ‘in glorying’
13.2 ‘I write’
*1.15 ‘God’ is changed to ‘He’
3.1 ‘that ye should not obey the
3.1 ‘among you’
*3.17 ‘in Christ’ [the Abrahamic
covenant was ‘in Christ’]
4.7 ‘of God through Christ’ is
changed to ‘through God’
4.24 ‘the’ [‘the two covenants’]
5.19 ‘Adultery’
5.21 ‘murders’
*6.15 ‘in Christ Jesus’
*6.17 ‘the Lord’
1.10 ‘both’
1.18 ‘understanding’ is changed to
*3.9 ‘by Jesus Christ’
*3.14 ‘of our Lord Jesus Christ’
4.6 ‘you’ [‘in you all’]
4.9 ‘first’ [‘he also descended
4.17 ‘other’ [‘other Gentiles’] is
changed to ‘the’
*5.9 ‘fruit of the Spirit’ is changed
to ‘fruit of the light’
5.21 ‘fear of God’ is changed to
‘fear of Christ’
5.30 ‘of his flesh, and of his
6.10 ‘my brethren’
1.16-17 these verses are reversed in
the modern versions
3.3 ‘God in the spirit’ is changed
to ‘in the Spirit of God’
*3.16 ‘let us mind the same thing’
*4.13 ‘Christ which strengtheneth
me’ is changed to ‘him who
strengthens me’
4.23 ‘be with you all’ is changed to
‘be with your spirit’
*1.2 ‘and the Lord Jesus Christ’
*1.14 ‘through his blood’
*1.28 ‘Jesus’
2.2 ‘and of the Father, and of’
2.7 ‘therein’
2.11 ‘of the sins of’
*2.18 ‘not’ [‘hath not seen’ is
changed to ‘has seen’]
2.20 ‘Wherefore’
*3.6 ‘on the children of
*3.13 ‘Christ’ is changed to ‘the
*3.15 ‘God’ is changed to ‘Christ’
*3.22 ‘God’ is changed to ‘the Lord’
3.24 ‘for’ is omitted, changing the
conclusion of the Apostle’s
statement to a separate
*1.1 ‘from God our Father, and
the Lord Jesus Christ’
2.2 ‘even’ [‘But even after’]
A Textual Key to the New Testament
1 THESSALONIANS*2.19 ‘Christ’
3.2 ‘minister’
*3.11 ‘Christ’ [AV–‘our Lord Jesus
Christ’; NAS –‘Jesus our Lord’]
*3.13 ‘Christ’
5.27 ‘holy’ [‘holy brethren’]
*1.8 ‘Christ’
*1.12 ‘Christ’ [first instance]
*2.2 ‘day of Christ’ is changed to
‘day of the Lord’
*2.4 ‘as God’ [AV–‘he as God
sitteth’; NAS –‘he takes his seat’]
1.1 ‘Lord’
*1.17 ‘wise’ [‘only wise God’]
*2.7 ‘in Christ’ [‘I speak the truth
in Christ’]
3.3 ‘not greedy of filthy lucre’
*3.16 ‘God’ is replaced with ‘he’, ‘he
who’, or ‘what’ (see the
Society’s Article no. 103, God
was Manifest in the Flesh,
regarding this passage)
4.12 ‘in spirit’
5.4 ‘good and’
5.16 ‘man or’ [Greek: ‘believing
man or believing woman’]
*6.5 ‘from such withdraw thyself’
6.7 ‘and it is certain’
1.1 ‘an apostle of Jesus Christ’ is
changed to ‘an apostle of
Christ Jesus’
1.11 ‘of the Gentiles’
*2.19 ‘name of Christ’ is changed to
‘name of the Lord’
4.1 ‘therefore’
*4.1 ‘Lord’
*4.22 ‘Jesus Christ’
1.4 ‘mercy’
*1.4 ‘Lord’ is omitted, and ‘Jesus
Christ’ is reversed
2.7 ‘sincerity’
* 6 ‘Jesus’
* 12 ‘Whom I have sent again:
thou therefore receive him,
that is, mine own bowels’ is
changed to ‘And I have sent
him back to you in person,
that is, sending my very heart’
*1.3 ‘by himself’
*1.3 ‘our’ [‘purged our sins’]
*2.7 ‘and didst set him over the
works of thy hands’ is
omitted in many versions
*3.1 ‘Christ’
3.6 ‘firm unto the end’ is
omitted in many versions
6.10 ‘labour of’
*7.21 ‘after the order of Melchisedec’
8.12 ‘and their iniquities’
*10.9 ‘O God’ is omitted in many
*10.30 ‘saith the Lord’
Galatians - Hebrews
1 T I M O T H Y
2 T I M O T H Y
H E B R E W S10.34 ‘my’ [‘my bonds’]
10.34 ‘in heaven’
*11.11 ‘was delivered of a child’.
Some modern versions add,
with no Greek manuscript
support, an entire section
about Abraham being
enabled to beget children.
*11.13 ‘were persuaded of them’
*11.37 ‘were tempted’ is omitted
from most versions
12.20 ‘or thrust through with a dart’
1.19 ‘Wherefore’ is changed to
‘this you know’ and ‘but’ is
added [‘But let every one’]
1.26 ‘among you’
2.18 ‘thy’ [AV–‘without thy works’;
NAS–‘without the works’]
2.18 ‘my’ is omitted from most
*2.20 ‘faith without works is dead’
is changed to ‘faith without
works is useless’
4.2 ‘yet’ [in addition to this
omission, the NAS adds ‘so’,
giving the impression of
causal relationship]
*4.4 ‘adulterers and’
5.5 ‘as’ [‘as in a day of slaughter’]
5.16 ‘faults’ is changed to ‘sins’
[different Greek words]
*5.20 ‘a soul’ is changed to ‘his soul’
1.16 ‘Be ye holy’ [a command] is
changed to ‘you shall be holy’
[future tense]
*1.22 ‘through the Spirit’
1.23 ‘for ever’
*3.15 ‘God’ is changed to ‘Christ’
*4.1 ‘for us’ [‘Christ hath suffered
for us’]
4.14 ‘on their part he is evil spoken
of, but on your part he is
5.8 ‘because’
*5.10 ‘Jesus’
5.11 ‘glory and’
*5.14 ‘Jesus. Amen.’
*1.21 ‘holy’ [‘holy men of God’]
2.17 ‘for ever’
3.9 ‘us’ is changed to ‘you’
3.10 ‘in the night’
*3.10 ‘shall be burned up’ is
changed to ‘discovered’; some
versions have this change as a
footnote only
*1.7 ‘Christ’
2.7 ‘brethren’ is changed to
2.7 ‘from the beginning’ [second
*2.20 ‘ye know all things’ is changed
to ‘you all know’
3.1 ‘and we are’ is added after
‘sons of God’
3.14 ‘his brother’ [‘loveth not his
*3.19 ‘we know’ is changed to ‘we
shall know’ (but note the
*4.3 ‘Christ is come in the flesh’
A Textual Key to the New Testament
1 P E T E R
2 P E T E R
1 J O H N*4.19 ‘we love him’ is changed to
‘we love’
*5.7-8 ‘in heaven; the Father, the
Word, and the Holy Ghost:
and these three are one. And
there are three that bear
witness in earth,’ (See the
Society’s Article no. 102, Why
1 John 5.7-8 is in the Bible.)
*5.13 ‘and that ye may believe on
the name of the Son of God’
3 ‘the Lord’
9 ‘of Christ’ [second instance]
11 ‘but’ [‘but he that doeth evil’]
* 1 ‘sanctified’ is changed to
* 4 ‘God’
23 AV–‘And others save with
fear,’ NAS–‘save others,…and
on some have mercy with
* 25 ‘wise’ [‘only wise God’]
25 some versions add ‘before all
time and’
*1.5 ‘loved us, and washed us’ is
changed to ‘loves us and
released us’
1.8 ‘the beginning and the ending’
*1.9 ‘Christ’ is omitted twice
*1.11 ‘I am the Alpha and Omega,
the first and the last and’
1.11 ‘which are in Asia’
1.17 ‘unto me’
1.20 ‘which thou sawest’ [second
2.9 ‘works’
2.13 ‘thy works, and’
2.15 ‘which thing I hate’
3.4 ‘even’ [‘even in Sardis’]
3.11 ‘Behold’
5.4 ‘and to read’
5.5 ‘to loose’
5.6 ‘and, lo,’
5.14 ‘four and twenty’
*5.14 ‘him that liveth for ever and
*6.1,3,5,7 ‘and see’ [‘Come and see’]
6.12 ‘lo’
*7.5b-8b ‘were sealed’ is omitted in ten
of the twelve instances
*8.13 ‘I heard an angel’ is changed
to ‘I heard an eagle’
10.4 ‘unto me’
*11.1 AV–‘and the angel stood,
saying’; NAS–‘and someone
said’ (RSV ‘and I was told’)
11.4 ‘the God’ is changed to ‘the
*11.17 ‘and art to come’
12.12 ‘the inhabiters’
*12.17 ‘Christ’
*14.5 ‘before the throne of God’
14.8 ‘city’
14.12 ‘here are they’
14.13 ‘unto me’
14.15 ‘for thee’
15.2 ‘over his mark’
15.3 ‘the saints’ is changed to ‘the
15.5 ‘behold’
James - Revelation
2 J O H N
3 J O H N
REVELATION*16.5 ‘O Lord’
16.7 ‘another out of’ [without
this, an inanimate object, the
altar, is speaking]
16.14 ‘of the earth and’
16.17 ‘of heaven’
17.1 ‘unto me’
18.2 AV–‘cried mightily with a
strong voice’; NAS–‘cried out
with a mighty voice’
18.6 ‘you’ [‘rewarded you’]
*19.1 ‘the Lord’
*20.9 ‘God out of’
*20.12 ‘before God’ is changed to
‘before the throne’
21.2 ‘John’
21.5 ‘unto me’
21.9 ‘unto me’
21.10 AV–‘that great city, the holy
Jerusalem’; NAS–‘the holy
city, Jerusalem’
21.24 ‘of them which are saved’
22.1 ‘pure’
*22.14 ‘do his commandments’ is
changed to ‘wash their robes’
*22.19 ‘book of life’ is changed to
‘tree of life’
*22.21 ‘Christ’
A Textual Key to the New Testament
Gospels 335
Acts 59
Pauline Epis. 142
Hebrews 16
General Epis. 44
Revelation 54
Total 650The aims of the Society
# To publish and distribute the Holy Scriptures
throughout the world in many languages.
# To promote Bible translations which are
accurate and trustworthy.
# To be instrumental in bringing light and life,
through the Gospel of Christ, to those who are
lost in sin and in the darkness of false religion
and unbelief.
# To uphol d the do c tr i ne s of r e for me d
Christianity, bearing witness to the equal and
eternal deity of God the Father, God the Son
and God the Holy Spirit, One God in three
# To uphold the Bible as the inspired, inerrant
Wor d of G o d
# For the Glory of God and the increase of
His Kingdom through the circulation of
Protestant or uncorrupted versions of the
Wor d of Go d .
For introductory literature and catalogue
please write to the Society at the address below.
Trinitarian Bible Society
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